Example sentences of "not [adv] [art] same " in BNC.

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1 The New Zealand experience suggests that those who proceed with ‘ open ’ adoption are not altogether the same as those who would have done so under the more traditional approach .
2 It is clear that architecture is not altogether the same as a film or a song : for instance , both the latter make use of performers — more crucially , stars .
3 Mood and emotion are not entirely the same psychological phenomenon , as emotion is capable of greater refinement and of putting a person in touch with more profound experience .
4 But the implications for the present case are not entirely the same .
5 However , a cash underpinning is not entirely the same thing as a vendor placing because it will not be known exactly how many shares will be the subject of a sale ; that will depend on the number of acceptances of the cash underwritten alternative .
6 To loose them off together , scatter-gun fashion : Stavrogin says ‘ I am making this statement , incidentally , to prove I am in full possession of my mental faculties and understand my position ’ ; ‘ I want to forgive myself , this is my chief aim , my whole aim ’ ; ‘ I want everyone to look at me ’ ; ‘ I fall back on this as my last resource ’ ; ‘ The thing about me then was I felt bored with life , sick and tired of it ’ ; ‘ I am seeking boundless suffering ’ ; ‘ I took it into my head to mutilate my life somehow ’ ( not necessarily the same thing as seeking suffering , any more than seeking suffering need entail accepting it ) .
7 As Benn 's frustration indicates , the ‘ public good ’ which the BBC considered itself to be serving was not necessarily the same as that defined by government .
8 The star ratings shown in the hotel descriptions have been allocated by Enterprise and are not necessarily the same as official classifications .
9 Success for capital is not necessarily the same as success for labour or for a local economy .
10 To achieve all this , and monitor it , requires detailed preparation , preferably including a presentation by the manager of the hotel in which the place of the scheme in the hotel 's activities is explained , and the expectations made of students , including working hours ( not necessarily the same as those of the college ) , lines of communication and responsibility , and details of accommodation and remuneration ( free food ? dormitories ? ) .
11 Nevertheless , common use is not necessarily the same as discriminate use , and considerable criticism is occasionally voiced Or indiscriminate use of external courses :
12 The two are not necessarily the same .
13 , the directions of take-off and landing are not necessarily the same
14 Also , how potential credit users imagine that granters will behave — not necessarily the same thing as how they actually will behave — has an effect .
15 Not necessarily the same person … unless it were a friend of Charlie 's .
16 Barbara caught the possible implication at once , that what James said was not necessarily the same as what James did .
17 As we saw in the last chapter , he , too , believed in the possibility of an objective category of crime which was not necessarily the same as that defined by the existing criminal law , and its source — the reason of the ‘ few thinking men in every nation ’ seems just as elitist and potentially authoritarian .
18 But an information gap is not necessarily the same as the operation of different schemata , which may be working at a deeper and less accessible level .
19 What these scholars did was to place their own ( negative ) evaluations of [ h ] -loss on to the speech communities of earlier centuries in which evaluations of this phenomenon were not necessarily the same .
20 The court therefore has to approach its construction on the footing that the new Act may exhibit policies and intentions which are not necessarily the same as those in the earlier Act , and which require similar words to be given different meanings from those which the courts gave them under the earlier legislation .
21 The statute can not be referring to the interests of all those individuals because they may differ and the interests of the majority are not necessarily the same as the interests of the State .
22 The method of arriving at cost by applying the latest purchase price to the total number of units in stock is unacceptable in principle because it is not necessarily the same as actual cost and in times of rising prices , will result in the taking of a profit which has not been realised .
23 Compulsive overworking ( workaholism ) or overachieving ( which is not necessarily the same thing at all ) are conditions that lead to much debate .
24 The magistrates had found that ‘ the appellants appeared wholly unaware of other persons in the vicinity , ’ and even if there was evidence that they ought to have known , that is not necessarily the same as actual awareness .
25 Note , however , that when a language uses a question word in an utterance , the intonation is not necessarily the same as that of a polar question .
26 The tunes in English are not necessarily the same in form as those of other languages , nor do they necessarily produce the same effect .
27 Of course we are all very well aware that the distinction exists and that a man 's genitor , who made his mother pregnant , was not necessarily the same individual as his pater , the legally recognized father , the husband of his mother .
28 All of us , all human beings , have the same set of DNA addresses , but not necessarily the same contents of those addresses .
29 What is reasonable and what the law should forbid are not necessarily the same .
30 However , it is important to remember that the optimal of level of arousal for performance on a task is not necessarily the same as the optimal level for memory of the task ( e.g. Hamilton , Hockey & Rejman , 1977 ) .
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