Example sentences of "not [art] [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 Strictly speaking ( for them ) , the domain of information structure is not the clause as a grammatical unit but the tone group as a phonological unit .
2 When Philip in 346 settled the Third Sacred War , he was ( personally ; not the Macedonians as a race ) admitted to the Delphic Amphictyony , the body which managed the prestige sanctuary at Delphi ; and so he gained admission to the Greek fraternity .
3 However , this is not the case as some of our partners are operating tours for coaching , coaches passing through their borders .
4 This was not the case as the amount of agricultural production qualifying for EAGGF ( Guarantee ) expenditure was relatively small .
5 It is at least arguable that this is not the case as the consideration for the allotment of the shares ( which are expressed to be credited as fully paid ) must be the transfer of the shares in the target , because that is the only consideration which the offeror receives under the arrangement ( apart from the merchant bank 's commitment to pay cash to accepting shareholders , but that is cancelled by the offeror 's commensurate obligation to procure accepting shareholders to authorise the offeror to allot the consideration shares to the merchant bank or as it directs , and so no net benefit flows to the offeror ) .
6 He could never be happy with morning prayer and not the sacrament as the chief morning service .
7 But not the vision as a private mental image .
8 Conservative taxation policies may have reduced high marginal income-tax rates , but it was the rich who benefited , not the country as a whole .
9 Evidence suggests that new road building is not the answer as a new road rapidly fills up with cars , which often contain only one person .
10 Merleau-ponty , whose anticipations of later post-Marxists such as Foucault and Lyotard are readily apparent , therefore rejected not the dialectic as such , nor history , but the closed dialectic as an autonomous principle that was supposed to produce the grand narrative of History :
11 To quote Holford in Design in town and village : Holford saw design as a social art , a view which encouraged the impression that the designer within the town planning profession , if not the profession as a whole , was really the grand integrator of the fashioning of the built environment .
12 I said I had no objections , but I would have to ask , you know , the committee if they had because she 's not a member as such , but obviously has been going on all the year .
13 Now I would be the first to admit that I I 'm not a judge as accountant , I 'm an insurance broker er and erm I do n't understand er and I 'm not aware of all of the rules and regulations that affect accountants er and affect the way audits are carried out , b but I must say I was a bit surprised t to hear during the debate , er that that was really what the problem was , the problem with B C C I was this conflict of interest , that fraud was known and it was not declared er and er I think that these er these regulations should now make that considerably er more clear .
14 The implicit view is that walking is irrelevant to city transport problems because it does not cause pollution , or accidents , or noise , or congestion : it is not a problem as such .
15 The program does not have mouse support but this is not a problem as the menu options are accessed via the F2 key .
16 Some sleeping bags are made from fibrepile which is not a filling as such .
17 Richardson even defines the failings of his bachelor Mr B ( who is not a pattern as a husband either ) , partly by comparison with an ideal of an English landowner .
18 A deictic element is not a term as such , but some part of the utterance which might be said to be deictic .
19 ‘ It 's more of a fantasy to a lot of people , not a religion as such .
20 There was a ragged pause , not a movement as the last of her underwear floated over the side of the bed .
21 Sartre 's ‘ singular universal ’ , therefore , begs the question , for it is predicated on the assumption that , if there is not a totality as such , then there already is an overall totalization : ‘ If totalization really is an ongoing process … ’ .
22 I 'm thinking , for example , it 's not a medicine as such , but I 'm thinking of the birth control pill , which presumably has a possible effect in its particular form over a period perhaps twenty years , rather than five years , on a person .
23 ‘ She 's not a shop-girl as such .
24 I was pregnant with Nicola , ooh it was n't a smash as such , you know , it was n't serious thing .
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