Example sentences of "not [prep] [art] long " in BNC.

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1 Robbery enough existed near London , but Southerners may have suspected , especially after the Jacobite Rebellion of 1715 , that there was no order or security in the North and so not worth the long , expensive journey there .
2 He shrugged his shoulders , ‘ At times I like to speak English , but not for a long time .
3 ‘ Before , but not for a long time now , ’ Maggie admitted reluctantly and Rose did not want to learn any more .
4 ‘ But they say he must n't go home and live on his own , not for a long while at any rate . ’
5 It 's never happened before … well , not for a long , long time .
6 Once workers have installed Britain 's new cable , no one expects that the country will want to replace it — at least not for a long time .
7 I 'd heard tales about some people having seen an old man down there but not for a long while , he would n't hurt anyone so your lad need n't be scared of him . ’
8 Not for a long time had Vi felt so uncomfortable .
9 It is a combination that I have used in the past but not for a long time , although blue and white stripes in fabrics are a perennial favourite of mine .
10 No , I wo n't return , not for a long time , it 's too painful and upsetting .
11 Not for a long time .
12 But this is the room eventually we 're going to use I mean not for a long time yet , as a working medieval kitchen .
13 But er not not for a long time .
14 Been to it before but not for a long time .
15 Not for a long time now .
16 If the memory of the association of a given flavour with illness can be taken to be more important than the memory that the flavour has also been experienced without harmful consequences , then the latter memory would interfere after a short but not after a long retention interval .
17 It 's not like the Long Drive . ’
18 For events that appear to be crises at the time ( although not in a longer perspective ) occur even in the intervening years .
19 That 's one corporate plan that ca n't win , not in the long term .
20 Where government introduces measures that exclude people from resources long since used by them , the people come to view the project as a zero-sum game ( Thomson in Glantz , ed. 1977 ) , where their loss is exactly others ' gain , and conservation will not in the long run lead to an increase in their incomes .
21 One does not get a sense of a strong need for support from parents to children to be reciprocated — certainly not in the short term , and possibly not in the long term either .
22 Not in the long run .
23 He will not in the long run profit from arrangements that turn the surviving research institutes into training grounds for emigrant specialists .
24 This is not in the long term interests of global capitalism , and TNCs through their governments have been known to put pressure on dictators for the purpose of creating or restoring pluralist political systems .
25 Erm any strategy for taking jobs away from other parts of the country towards Harrogate will not solve the nation 's problems and it will not in the long term solve North Yorkshire 's problems .
26 It 's not in the long book .
27 It was not until a long time afterwards that Catriona thought she understood the reason Sarah seemed young , which was simple : she looked directly at everyone and let them look back at her .
28 No , not by a long chalk .
29 ‘ Single men wo n't come top of the list for rehousing , not by a long chalk . ’
30 Not that this is the only bone of contention between them , no , not by a long chalk .
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