Example sentences of "not [verb] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 But we have nothing against foreign investment in British companies , and I can not think why the Hon. Gentleman should take that line .
2 Accordingly , it is not blackmail where the accused extorts oral sex from the victim because that is not " money or other property " .
3 Similarly , it is not blackmail where the accused extorts a position of honour or release from lawful custody .
4 It is not blackmail where the accused believes he has reasonable grounds for making the demand and believes the use of menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the demand .
5 On the facts of Lamb [ 1967 ] 2 QB 981 the accused could not be guilty of reckless manslaughter when he shot his best friend not realising how the chamber of a gun revolved on pressing the trigger .
6 Another example — we have not examined how the government 's funding is affecting housing trusts , or its impact on the local housing market .
7 He did not explain why the campaign had suddenly reversed its recently declared position that passports would be needed for more than 300,000 key wage-earners in the colony as well as their families .
8 He said he could not explain why the iceberg was moving west and not east ‘ as everyone had anticipated ’ .
9 Although it may be argued that the effectiveness of local social pressures not to take the crime to court declined as a consequence of colonial rule , this change was gradual , and therefore does not explain why the rate of criminal litigation was highest in the first half of the nineteenth century .
10 Government policy does not explain why the organized networks only covered certain areas , or why the illicit trade declined in Kurunagala at the end of the nineteenth century , but continued to thrive for another fifteen years in the Low Country before suffering a similar decline .
11 The Spanish origin of the catalogue may also explain the absence of a bibliography and index , but does not explain why the Mexicas have replaced the well known Aztecs .
12 The same might be said of Redon 's frequently alluded to fragility : according to Eisenman he was ever teetering on the brink of depression and death , though this in turn does not explain why the artist lived seventy-five years of life quite satisfactorily .
13 This still does not explain why the Conservatives fared so much worse than in 1985 .
14 In particular , emotional attachments may be given a justification which psychologically does not explain why the individual holds the attachments .
15 does not explain why the rate of investment and innovation in British industry were so low to begin with .
16 He did not explain why the CIA had waited until December 1990 , to draw this conclusion when the ‘ proof had been available for at least a year , nor did he explain why no advance warning based on this report , reliable or not , had been passed down the line to those responsible for airline security .
17 The local Joint Working Party could not explain why the post had been graded by the National Joint Council 's Assimilation Panel on two occasions .
18 This , however , does not explain why the purges were so extensive .
19 I think it 's impossible to explore why there is a difference , it does not explain why the matters we have already discussed , like vacancies , households and death rates why there is a difference between what the County Council say is one hundred percent , and what the H B F and others are advocating which is considerably more .
20 But it has to be reiterated that the CTP does not explain these observations : it does not explain how the impinging events give rise to awareness of those events .
21 St Augustine did not explain how the mind could be an accurate chronometer for the timing of external events , but as the pioneer of the study of psychological time he stands in the front rank of those who have contributed to the understanding of our sense of time .
22 He can do no better than argue that it involves apprehending things simultaneously rather than in succession though he does not explain how the successful mystic can transcend the limits of the magic number seven , which most psychologists agree is the maximum number of entities that can simultaneously be held before the mind .
23 It indeed relates to the suggested function of that inhibition , but that fact will not explain how the prohibition which is explicitly against in-breeding will have arisen .
24 It does not explain how the intervention of these ( nearly ) classical systems chooses one chain rather than another as the physical occurrence on a particular occasion .
25 The girl could not explain how the locket came to be among her clothes , and it was clear that her protestations of innocence were in vain .
26 But as time went on he realised he could not convey how the style had evolved without understanding the techniques at first hand .
27 But here also we can not predict how the couplet will proceed ; not only do we not yet know the grammatical or syntactic pattern of the next line , or its lexical contents , but , more importantly , we do not know what kind of a relationship what we have read will bear to what we have yet to read .
28 In particular , general relativity can not predict how the universe should begin at the big bang .
29 It would mean that science alone could not predict how the universe began .
30 This would mean that science could predict that the universe must have had a beginning , but that it could not predict how the universe should begin : For that , one would have to appeal to God .
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