Example sentences of "not [verb] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But the Union is not faring as well as it might think .
2 I , David on your guard force and the thirty four members yes , you , you rightly mentioned the correspondence with your at this moment in time I have had no reply I have sent another letter which you have not received as yet to , indicating that if they do not return those members then we will proceed to Bridlington .
3 In so far as these subordinated forms of racism are granted some relative autonomy , and are not treated as simply an echo of the dominant ideology , the argument usually reverts to the classical tenets of a ‘ necessary false consciousness ’ .
4 The experience of witnessing psychosocially normal people from a wide range of abilities and backgrounds telling the stories of their individual experience and what has been done to them , would be the best method of ensuring that sufferers from addictive disease are not treated as dismissively in the future as they have tended to be in the past .
5 But outsiders of this extreme sort are not treated as fully normal human beings .
6 Even if legitimate authority is limited by the condition that its directives are not binding if clearly wrong , and I wish to express no opinion on whether it is so limited , it can play its mediating role .
7 Then in 1905 Einstein suggested a much more attractive viewpoint , in which time was not regarded as completely separate and on its own .
8 It is only in the twentieth century that theorists have attempted to produce a version of democracy in which popular participation is treated with suspicion , if not regarded as positively undesirable .
9 Reactive attitudes of this sort are contrasted with so-called ‘ objective ’ ones , which we adopt towards agents who are not regarded as morally responsible : thus we often try not to resent injuries done to us by small children or the mad , because we recognise that , in some sense , they do not know what they are doing .
10 Although there was evidence of cosmic order in the motions of sun , moon , and stars and in the cycle of the seasons , this order was not regarded as securely established but had continually to be achieved by the integration of conflicting divine wills or powers .
11 But as it has taken five years of intensive lobbying to assemble the necessary financial support from the native industry for this interesting if rather Teutonic initiative , one might assume that creativity and innovation are still not regarded as entirely positive values .
12 The United Front was not regarded as sufficiently important for the League to abandon its propaganda work in favour of joint agitation with the Communist Party and the ILP .
13 That was an order with which it was probably impossible for the health authority to comply , because it has no power , contractual or otherwise , to require doctors to act in a way which they do not regard as medically appropriate .
14 Because of a three-hour storm on Saturday , the third round was not completed until early yesterday morning , Parry completing a 69 for a one-stroke lead from Couples , two from Floyd and three from Baker-Finch .
15 She had not realised before exactly how dependent she had become on Piers .
16 The Woonerven experience in Holland was an early indication Or the benefits that can arise when changes in the law accompany changes in physical design , yet these cross-fertilisation benefits are not realised when just one form of speed deterrent is strengthened .
17 The active principles of cannabis were not purified until well into the twentieth century , but one of Kraeplin 's pupils was among those who made early studies of mescaline , isolated from the Mexican Peyote cactus in 1896 .
18 Thus it is clear that ( a ) affirms the footballer ; ( b ) also affirms the footballer because the speaker has made it clear that it is a personal reaction of liking or disliking which has nothing to do with appreciation of football 's being a good game ; ( c ) is affirming also because although criticism of the game is stated , its positive value comes first , and in any case the keen footballer is likely to be the first to agree that the level of enjoyment varies according to different games of football ; ( d ) however veers towards dismissal of football and therefore dismissal of what is meaningful to the footballer , because although it acknowledges that sometimes it is a good game the emphasis is on the negative side ; ( e ) is not affirming because even though the hurt to the footballer is cushioned by making it clear that this is a personal opinion , a very negative judgement is in fact articulated ; ( f ) has the straight effect of dismissing the footballer as well as football because it implies that anyone who spends time on football is stupid .
19 We do not know whether all learning depends on similar processes , or whether , in higher animals , it also involves the creation or loss of connections .
20 We do not know whether all the original recruits really were from orphanages and boarding schools , but if so , they were a particularly vulnerable group of people with a very confused class identity and little choice of work when placed under pressure from patrons .
21 I do not know as yet what it is , but I know it is not that .
22 He did not know until later that he had fouled Giggs . ’
23 What he did not know until late on was that his former Chancellor was to make a statement on his resignation .
24 What finance officers will not know until much later is how these broad intentions will work out for their own authority , given the complex and changing allocations formula in the revenue support grant .
25 Admittedly assessment at earlier ages was not approached as so all-enveloping a concern as at 16 but warnings about the national curriculum were serious .
26 Marxist views are not approached as merely theoretical formulations but also as guidelines for action .
27 In fact , Labov 's propensity to set out patterns in his data in a highly visual way is quite in the spirit of exploratory statistics ; but the data are not presented as comprehensively nor analysed as thoroughly as they would be using Tukey 's principles .
28 They soon learned not to talk when just a look would do , and even when separated , each seemed to know instinctively when the other was in trouble .
29 She said that she would not appear before specially constituted courts , but was nevertheless present for a hearing before a tribunal in Karachi on Sept. 31 , which granted her exemption from future court appearances until after the elections .
30 This has introduced a qualitatively new circumstance that was not operating when today 's First World countries were making their transitions to industrialization and urbanization ( see Leopold , 1985 ) .
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