Example sentences of "not [verb] [pers pn] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The curse of Ham could be used as an excuse to justify the enslavement of African negroes but that did not make them members of an entirely different species ; and anyway the American Indians were not even black !
2 They have subject limited statutory duties in the insurance companies act , but the fact they 're subjected to duties in the same way that the underwriters , the underwriters are subject to duties does not make them regulators , but in any event even if we were wrong on that there is no exemption under article eighty five , one for regulators and , and your Lordship has seen a number of cases and I sha n't go back to them is fully subject to the competition rules whether as a regulator or not .
3 Government in not allowing them passports until 1985 might have protected the children at a crucial time in their development .
4 A century has not taught them manners .
5 He , he sat here this morning he said all serious he said I 'm cutting out potatoes , bread , biscuits and all sweet things , so I you know , I just said , well if you know if you are love , do you want me to sort of start , you know , obviously not cooking you potatoes and whatever , well what we 'll see in a , probably in about two month 's like , you know
6 Initially , these Franco-German telecommunications satellites did not trouble US interests ; they were experimental or confined to educational or other non-commercial purposes .
7 and my teaching has not made them strangers .
8 As I read that decision , it was held that she had not made them fixtures .
9 We do not send you copies of every letter we write , minutes of every meeting we attend , etc because we assumed you would realise we were getting on with the job .
10 We have five other carriers queueing for transatlantic routes , but the Government will not give them licences . ’
11 From this perspective , therefore , employers do not have power over employees , they do not give them instructions , but rather are involved in a process of constant renegotiation of the employment contract .
12 We group them into species merely as a convenience ; if we did not do so , we could not give them names : hence ‘ nominalism ’ .
13 ‘ You do not give me things like other men and you can not do sex . ’
14 My wife does not give me children .
15 Do not give me antibiotics .
16 It does not give us answers , but a way of procedure .
17 God would not give us ideas and perceptions which inevitably lead us to suppose a world , unless there actually was one .
18 I ask you not to give me jewels and fine clothes . ’
19 I do not call you servants any longer because a servant does not know what his master is doing .
20 It 's also worth stressing that these books are for real people , with real gardens : we 're not giving them pictures of Blenheim or Buckingham Palace .
21 Bearing in mind it 's a team focus course so I 'm not giving you loads of work which takes you apart from one another , what we do is you talk together , and spend time together .
22 Farmers have promised more mayhem if their government does not resist US demands for cuts — and they are backed by public opinion .
23 As discussed at out initial meeting , you have asked that we do not inform you auditors of our involvement on this assignment .
24 This , and many companion volumes on overseas registers which Air-Britain produces , are much more serious volumes than those spotters ' guides of yore , their contents likely to prove as useful to aircraft dealers , brokers , insurers , buyers ( and tax inspectors ? ) as they do to the binocular-and-bobble-hats brigade , not to mention we scribblers , who occasionally have a compelling need to know how many PA-28s there are in the country ( a lot ) or whether the Miles Student jet trainer is still extant ( it is ) .
25 I did not tell you lies but I do deserve your contempt .
26 The identity between Jesus and the Spirit could scarcely be more strongly stressed , particularly as he goes on to say , ‘ I will not leave you orphans : I will come to you ’ ( 14:18 ) .
27 I will not leave you orphans .
28 " You have not asked me questions , and I appreciate your trust very much , " I said .
29 Keith will play with Amy but woe betide her if she does not hand him toys , her food etc .
30 Keith will play with Amy but woe betide her if she does not hand him toys , her food etc .
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