Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If you do not return to work , or if you do return but do not stay for at least three months , the twelve weeks at payment will be recovered .
2 According to Berkeley , real things are dependent on , and do not exist outside of , perceiving minds ; according to common sense , however , they are independent of our perception of them .
3 She never met any men until she met the young man whom I can not think of as my father .
4 Repeatedly the theme of making the work place like a family was touched upon , and while higher management were not referred to as ‘ parents ’ it was clear that in feeling they were so regarded .
5 Why then is she not referred to as ‘ his next door neighbour ’ , instead of ‘ his next door neighbour 's wife ’ ?
6 As specified proceedings under section 41 of the Act the court shall appoint a guardian ad litem — a player not referred to at all in the article .
7 In other words , Bukharin was cautiously calling for curbs on Stalin 's power , even if he was not referred to by name .
8 The following year Ine abdicated to go to Rome ASC A , s.a. 728 ) , an event strangely not referred to by Bede .
9 An allegation that drugs are being supplied as a " liquid cash " to modify behaviour at a particular prison may point a sufficient finger at the medical officers working at that prison , even though they are not referred to by name .
10 Section 2(3) was not referred to in the judgment in J. Barber & Sons v.
11 Individuals are not referred to in Articles 34–37 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties , or the Vienna Convention on International Organisations .
12 It is said , however , that if regard is had to the statutes of the university , referred to in the notice inviting applications , on the basis of which the contract was clearly made even if the statutes were not referred to in the letter , the university had no such right .
13 The clearest reflection of the way in which the full implications of Marsh 's book were not appreciated in physical geography is shown in the fact that he is not referred to in relation to the history of the study of landforms before Davis ( Chorley , Dunn and Beckinsale , 1964 ) , or in Explanation in Geography ( Harvey , 1969 ) , in Geography Its History and Concepts ( Holt-Jensen , 1981 ) or in Geography and Geographers : Anglo-American Human Geography ( Johnston , 1979 , 1983a ) .
14 ( a ) Contents of the Register Established under the Land Charges Act 1925 , this is of importance to every buyer , lessee and mortgagee of any property in England and Wales , because the matters registered are not referred to in either the Registers of registered land nor in the Central Land Charges Register .
15 It was not that the mines were not producing for between 1564–1570 metal to the value of £31,167 was sold , but even this did not cover the operating costs .
16 However , this was not relied on by the Court of Appeal who reversed the decision on the facts ( see p60 below ) .
17 It is possible that previous accounting practices , although not objected to by the vendor 's auditors , may produce a disadvantageous result for the purchaser in completion accounts .
18 Line A suggested maximum length 60metres ( 200ft ) was made but is not adhered to in practice .
19 Note that the actual spacing of the piano chords is not adhered to in the arrangement .
20 Now in this first session I really want to look at the way that er er financial planning will affect you once you , once you retire , it may be that 's the sort of area you 've not looked at in detail .
21 A born again green within the ranks of the Tory party , he was not looked upon with anything other than derision .
22 All this fun and games is not looked upon with disapproval by the seniors in the Conservative Party .
23 The reason is that such clauses are not looked upon with favour either by the courts or by Parliament .
24 The date of the vote has not been announced and is not expected for at least another six weeks .
25 Europe 's hotel industry is on the bumpy road to re-establishing its pre-Gulf War position but full recovery is not expected until at least the end of 1991 , according to a report from analyst Salomon Brothers .
26 The hearing will take place in Ipswich on April 6 , but a final decision is not expected until at least a month later .
27 Mrs Cradock presented a banner , somebody recited an ode , there was great gaiety , and ‘ the festive board was not departed from until a late hour . ’
28 Ma did not glance from behind the paper .
29 At the cemetery , a burial-service can not commence without at least ten men ( a minyan or quorum ) .
30 The arms are placed across the breast , with the hands directed towards the opposite shoulder , a pose not met with in funerary sculpture .
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