Example sentences of "not [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The Parliament could not sack individual Commissioners , or force amendments on legislation , nor did it develop much influence over budgetary matters until the 1970s .
2 Roger : Ministers have declared new rules or constraints in advance but one rule will definitely be that employers must not sack other employees so that they can take on Workstart participants .
3 As most women — and indeed , most men — do not stay 40 years with one employer , they usually receive less than this .
4 ‘ We understand the president-elect is not seeing any heads of government , ’ he said .
5 Where that popular base does not exist such laws are only imposed on the population with great difficulty , if at all .
6 Equally , if an institution has excess funds at the moment , and expects interest rates to rise , it will be acting rationally if it does not lend those funds out , except very short term .
7 But , if only by default , through simply reading the text in terms of the text and not bringing outside considerations to bear , she , as does Barth , shores up its authority .
8 The disruption from 9.15 am to 9.45 am was designed not to affect other commuters , only gangs of chainsaw-wielding BR workers .
9 Lord Gardiner himself thought that political views ought not to affect judicial appointments at all , and he pursued this policy during his period of office as Lord Chancellor ( 1964 ) .
10 We should be aiming for higher standards , not encouraging lower ones ’ , said Dr Caldwell .
11 Observational surveys by Tombaugh , Kowal and the Infrared Astronomical Satellite ( IRAS ) would almost certainly have revealed another Pluto or larger planet , but their failure to do so has not stopped many predictions from being made , including two more in just the past year .
12 But this has not stopped some librarians latching on to the high cost of conservation as a reason for dispersing valuable books .
13 The SEC in the US has not stopped corporate scandals , but it keeps an army of lawyers busy .
14 This positive part of conventionalism most plainly corresponds to the popular slogan that judges should follow the law and not make new laws in its place .
15 I hope that hon. Members will ask questions about the White Paper and not make wider points .
16 Margaret Irwin told the Royal Commission on Labour in 1893 that she did not think many women were " at case " outside Edinburgh . "
17 But leaving that aside , as I have already explained , the court will not be ‘ hearing and determining the swap cases together ’ and I do not think those words can be stretched so as to include the present procedural arrangements .
18 I do not think these objections are very serious .
19 Do not think these days are days they are the sacrificial priests of the telephone
20 There were some differences between the groups , mainly in the recognition of black speakers who were not using Creole features of syntax or segmental phonology .
21 By not using nuclear weapons and with repeated assurances via the hotline of limited goals and negotiable conquests , the Russians face the president of the United states with ‘ agonising decisions ’ and he hesitates in making any nuclear commitment for several vital days .
22 He said that his company , which also provides needs-analysis for companies , taught ex-service personnel skills such as not using military terms in their curricula vitarum and interviews .
23 The builders are not using any nails in the construction , in an effort to build an authentic cultural centre .
24 Even those companies not using these products directly find that they are affected by the de facto standards introduced by IBM .
25 That is the pathway we have gone down , and in consequence we have reduced the amount of food that is given to our cows that could be eaten by man from 50 per cent to 14 per cent by getting the input from grass and porridge oats : food that would otherwise be wasted in a system that is not using these animals to pick it up on the way .
26 The company , which will hold shares in the recycling business and assist in the marketing of products , continues to be criticised by environmentalists for not using washable plates and cutlery .
27 In the interests of unity , Constantine deliberately blurred distinctions between Christianity , Mithraism and Sol Invictus — deliberately chose not to see any points of contention between them .
28 Where the statute looks as if it does not cover certain forms of conduct the courts have sometimes read the statute widely to convict the " manifestly guilty " .
29 These other offences do not cover all eventualities , and , moreover , it may be argued with some force that child sexual abuse at home ought to be labelled separately .
30 The above discussion does not cover all aspects of thematic structure , but it is probably sufficient for our current purposes .
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