Example sentences of "not [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes people today bewail the fact that they were not contemporaries of the historical Jesus , and imply that it would be much easier to believe and much more advantageous generally if they had been .
2 In Lawson v Rolfe ( 1969 ) 46 TC 199 , it was held that stock dividends paid under a particular provision in the law of California were not income in the hands of a life tenant of an American will trust .
3 It was not income from the interest under the trust ( which would have been a foreign possession regardless of the underlying sources ) .
4 The only drawback that I can find is that if the participation is not 100pc across the population then you still need hard cash .
5 They are not reasons for the impulses but causes that hark back to the primitive responses that we share with many animals ; yet qualified by noting that we , unlike dumb brutes , can reflect upon our impulses and resist them if we so decide , as happened in my example .
6 Contracts to sell the following are therefore not contracts for the sale of specific goods : ‘ a bottle of port from the seller 's stock ’ ; or , ‘ one of the seller 's current stock of 12 bottles of port ’ ; or , ‘ 12 of the seller 's stock of 13 bottles of port . ’
7 Deaths in detention are not phenomena of the distant past : last year two people were reported as having died in custody .
8 The weather was not kind to the competitors in 1987 , being very wet and stormy .
9 In Reading Capital ( Althusser and Balibar 1970 ) , Althusser explores the development of Marx 's scientific exposition of historical materialism , stressing the point that the raw materials of knowledge production are not things , not essences of the material world , but concepts and abstractions that are ideological or scientific .
10 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
11 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
12 The ‘ tax timing option ’ is available for shares but not futures in the USA and UK .
13 The essential difference between this offence and larceny is that in larceny the victim does not part with the ownership but in obtaining by false pretences he does .
14 These books are timeless , not part of the changing whirl of food fashion or trend , rather part of a backbone of information and knowledge without which all cookery books are quite irrelevant .
15 Strength , however , was not part of the problem-He , of course , was a married man , a married Englishman , like Trevor Howard or James Mason in an early role .
16 They can not remember when Britain was not part of the European Community or when there were not ‘ troubles ’ in Northern Ireland .
17 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
18 The defendants tried to prove that Umkhonto we Sizwe was not part of the ANC .
19 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
20 She remembered a little of the acrimony , of the mounting bitterness within the house , of their winter of discontent , which was so much part of and not part of the winter outside , and the miners ' strike .
21 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
22 The ECMT , which is not part of the EC , is widely regarded as an ineffectual organisation .
23 Under Lynch that was not part of the regime , which is regarded as a curious omission in most gyms , and it did not work for Benn .
24 Under Lynch that was not part of the regime , which is regarded as a curious omission in most gyms , and it did not work for Benn .
25 The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , which is the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many people are members of both .
26 But they are a hybrid because , although closely associated with particular groups , they are not part of the web of cross-shareholdings .
27 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
28 The oil tank is made from polypropylene and is not part of the main frame .
29 The Flank Companies of the 1st Guards ( Grenadiers ) certainly later reinforced the Coldstream and 3rd Guards but they were not part of the original garrison .
30 Under the Lateran Treaty of February 11 , 1929 , he says , the ecclesiastical state is deemed to be not part of Italy , and therefore not part of the EC .
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