Example sentences of "not [adj] [adv] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Secondly , section 6(3) ( b ) : even if the school is not over-subscribed so that section 6(3) ( a ) does not apply , governors may request the local education authority to make arrangements under section 6(6) and if they do the governors are not obliged to comply with any parental preferences incompatible with such arrangements .
2 Lastly , the CPA 1987 is not retrospective so that products supplied before 1 March 1988 are not covered .
3 It is perhaps not too hazardous to say , despite this , that our capability is such that there is not much else that we can do better .
4 Unfortunately if you do not know this there is not much else that you can know either , it seems .
5 Well , if they really tried to do it again and they failed , there 's not much else that we could ask them to do is there ?
6 Others , like Weiskrantz ( 1968 ) and Dean ( 1980 ; 1982 ) , are much more sanguine and argue the brain is generally not interactive so that knowledge of what is lost after a lesion can be used to frame conclusions about the normal function of a region .
7 ‘ I 'm not sure yet that there really is something to worry about . ’
8 But I am not sure now that we seek Surere for this . ’
9 It was not good enough that the IDB say they do n't know what to do to develop West Belfast ; this issue should be addressed .
10 Even in the fifties my mother was still so relieved they were not poor anymore that she found spending money reassuring .
11 As it is occasionally covered by the sea this sand is not compact so that at times we could walk fairly comfortably , but at other times we sank in unexpectedly , which broke up our rhythm and made us tired and frustrated .
12 It is not unlikely either that the formation of the desire will be closely linked with current experiences and will therefore probably be fulfilled by providing more of whatever is salient in the context — porridge , or rides in a plastic tub , etc .
13 It is not surprising then that areas such as sex education , religious education and the establishment of voluntary schools have proved contentious in view of the centrality of these matters to parents ' own cultural values .
14 It is not surprising then that the earliest women to enter politics did so as ‘ surrogate ’ males , to stand in for husbands or fathers ( see the case of Nancy , Lady Astor ) or that no ‘ monstrous regiment ’ of women was waiting to overwhelm men in the battle for parliamentary seats .
15 It 's not surprising then that , if you put a do-it-yourself camera into our hands , the ideas for video production immediately begin to flow .
16 It 's not surprising then that the $4.5 billion Tandy empire has bridged this fundamental computing gap by buying Victor Technologies , who date back to the inception of the PC .
17 It is not surprising therefore that the paperback makes no mention of Wiggins .
18 It is not surprising therefore that the history of thought about the two policy areas is in some ways similar , although that of family planning is in many ways a decade ahead of conservation .
19 It was not surprising therefore that while politicians and public demanded change , schools , teacher-training establishments , and educationalists were vaguely and inconclusively defensive about the product that was on offer in State schools .
20 ‘ It is not surprising therefore that here in Britain the recovery that nearly all forecasters expected at the time of the Budget in March has still not become established .
21 Thus we now have many more older people and many fewer children with whom they might live , and it is not surprising therefore that the last half-century has been characterized by a reduction in the proportion of single elderly people living with relatives .
22 It is not surprising therefore that the growth of the electronic information industry has felt the impact of cutbacks both in corporate and domestic spending .
23 It is not surprising therefore that Lowenthal ( 1978 , 389 ) has concluded that :
24 It is not surprising therefore that the first video materials that came with video into the classroom were materials which had been made originally as films or broadcast television programmes .
25 lt is not surprising therefore that the strategy for information systems development which follows the existing departmental structure of the firm may be the easiest politically but not the one that gains the most from the database and informations systems project .
26 It is not surprising therefore that they are a common target for mutagenesis in neoplasia .
27 If , on the other hand , it never occurred to the defendant that the victim was young or mentally abnormal , and he was not aware therefore that he was in a situation of potential risk , he should not be liable for rape providing that he took reasonable steps to ascertain that she did agree to vaginal penetration , for in such a case his conduct is reasonable in the light of the facts as he perceived them to be .
28 My er , circumstances are entirely different , I am the person who 's being cared for and my husband died in nineteen eighty seven , and my son in nineteen eighty eight and I was left with my young son , and he looked after me on his own , and then my daughter who li , I was living in Ireland , my daughter lived in England , and she decided it was n't good enough that it should all be left to him , so we had a long talk and we discussed it at length for two weeks at Christmas , and then they all moved Sou , over here , we got a house in Scotland , and I 'm looked after by my young son and my daughter , and since then a year ago my daughter got married , her husband moved in and he looks after me as well , so I 'm looked after by three young adults .
29 Fabia counteracted any feeling of wretchedness at that last guilty thought by deciding that it really was n't good enough that Vendelin Gajdusek had gone away when he knew full well that someone was travelling especially from England to see him .
30 David had almost completed the album , ‘ The Man Who Sold The World ’ , and it was n't long afterwards that Tony Visconti moved out of Haddon Hall .
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