Example sentences of "not [verb] time [prep] " in BNC.

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1 been attacked over the last few months of not wasting time on the hunt I spend an awful lot of time relieving heavy goods traffic in my area , concerned totally about the environment , about mineral extraction quarries , mining , open cast , things of that calibre .
2 Almost two centuries later it was being proposed that in much the same way every Spanish ambassador should have assigned to him a son or younger brother " to assist him as a comrade in his work " , be instructed in the conduct of embassy business and handle matters the ambassador himself could not spare time for , with the implication that he might well succeed to the post if it fell vacant .
3 Similarly the seller under a contract of sale might undertake to use best endeavours to deliver the goods on time : The Sellers will use their best endeavours to secure delivery of the goods on the estimated delivery dates from time to time furnished , but they do not guarantee time of delivery .
4 If the present article can not answer every question raised by Carse , it will answer this one : ‘ did they [ at the Opéra ] or did they not beat time with a baton throughout the whole opera ? ’ ( p.311 ) .
5 Mr Rushdie also met federal parliamentarians in Ottawa , and although he was not granted time with the Canadian Prime Minister Brian Mulroney , he said that his reception by the External Affairs Minister Barbara McDougall encouraged him to believe that Canada was firmly behind the campaign to get the death sentence lifted .
6 The right hon. Gentleman did not provide time for such a debate because he did not want to embarrass the Tory party so close to a general election .
7 As a child she had not had time for many fairy stories and did not now know them to tell to her daughter again , but instead she showed her the pictures .
8 She could never understand what he did with it , where it went — he had not had time for … that other life of his , he had been with Bert , with Jack !
9 This kind of ability is both envied and disparaged by many Continental musicians , and it can not be doubted that professional English singers often perform music which they have not had time to ‘ learn ’ in any sense of the term that a European singer would accept .
10 She has but I 've not had time to er assess her yet .
11 time for and well that is it in n it , well if she 's not got time for him
12 Although we will not spend time on it , ‘ external culture ’ enters our sample firm in the form of enormous variety — personnel on a production line speaking ten or more languages other than English , for instance .
13 You do n't not spend time on someone just because they are n't about any longer .
14 Do not use time as an excuse , he wrote .
15 Most hobbies cost some money , some a great deal , why not occupy time with machine knitting ?
16 Some commentators get so excited about identifying the stuff with an excretion of insects living on twigs of the tamarisk , that they do not have time for much else .
17 Remember all this well , so that you do n't get it wrong on the night ; you may not have time for a second performance .
18 ( Perhaps if I knew the language , I would not have time for these facile analogies . )
19 You will not have time for more than one committee if you serve it properly .
20 I personally do not have time for delays in this operation , and my approach has been ratified at the highest levels .
21 As for the countryside , the main complaint of the wage labourer was of underemployment and at certain seasons of the agricultural calendar many of them must have wished they did not have time on their hands .
22 In effect , large objects moving at hypersonic velocities do not have time to ‘ see ’ the atmosphere before cratering the surface .
23 That they are empty other than at times when children are out of their classrooms or outside the school premises is a constant reminder that primary-school teachers do not have time in the working day to do other than teach .
24 Even with the drama of Munich and the prospect of war it seemed as though Alec Reid had not found time for the outside world .
25 The money that currently goes into forcing less-talented cricketers into retirement can be redirected into the purses of these cricketer' wives , who can thus get all the jobs done that their sporting husbands have not found time for .
26 Work for the A-level examination in English Literature means a narrow concentration on a limited number of texts , and curricular pressures do not leave time for the undirected contextual reading that would provide broader literary experience .
27 Dinah asked ; she had not wasted time on introductions ; these people knew perfectly well who she was , and she knew them .
28 Half an hour is the minimum for each side ; so if the moot starts at 8.30 p.m. , and if three judges each take ten minutes to give judgment , it is 10 p.m. even if not a minute has been lost — and this does not allow time for the presiding judge to invite the audience to comment before judgment is given .
29 They and others would not allow time for their staff to study and pass the Modular System .
30 He does not waste time on definitions .
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