Example sentences of "not [verb] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is up to politicians in a democracy to nurture faith in it , not devalue that faith .
2 If Lord Eldon used any language which could be so interpreted , we must conclude that he either did not guard himself so cautiously as he intended , or that he did not lend that degree of attention to the legal doctrine connected with the case before him , which he was accustomed to afford .
3 The man did not think that Boy ever gave his address or phone number to anyone .
4 Mother actually calls me Lisa but I did not think that name appropriate to this strange meeting and anyway I have never liked it .
5 The low style is surely recalled by the colloquial " " Hé " " given to God and St Peter as noted above , and the high by the description of the young wife in Les Trois Boçus : ( a beautiful girl So beautiful that she was a delight And if I should tell you the truth I do not think that Nature ever made Any more beautiful creature . )
6 I do not think that research has gone as fast as it should !
7 I do not think that section 3(1) envisages any such act as an ‘ appropriation , ’ whatever may be the meaning of that word in other fields such as contract or sale of goods law .
8 This trait was noted by fellow politicians such as Enoch Powell : ‘ [ Ted ] believes there is an answer to all problems which can be worked out by proper bureaucratic means — I 'm not using that word abusively for once — by the proper approach .
9 Indeed his fellows were not to see that cadet again .
10 If the birds or Australia had not received that degree of attention from the scientific ornithologist which their interest demanded ’ , he wrote in his preface to Mammals of Australia , ‘ I can assert , without fear of contradiction , that its highly curious and interesting Mammals have been still less investigated .
11 When my hon. Friend the Minister made it clear that such a student would be invisible , that a student returning for the summer holidays would not affect that household , I was not sure whether the hon. Lady was pleased or angry .
12 As for toilet facilities , I have an earth closet so the lack of water does not affect that side of things .
13 The fact that other works of art not belonging to Capricorn were also on the premises did not affect that conclusion : nor did the absence of any outward sign of Capricorn on the premises have any significance , since it would be uncharacteristic for art dealers in objects of such high quality to place conspicuous nameplates on their premises .
14 Under the old law they could not have been found guilty of larceny , because the seller agreed to transfer the property in the goods to Ballay , and the fact that the seller 's agreement was obtained by a fraud does not affect that conclusion .
15 If he is a friend , he has not communicated that fact to any member of the inspectorate .
16 It is important also not to pretend that library censorship is such a small problem that it can be safely ignored .
17 The reasons behind thousands upon thousands of black kids immersing themselves in sport may stem from basic inequalities which I find unacceptable , and , indeed , immoral , but I can not affirm that sport is some device for the perpetuation of these inequalities any more than I can agree with some critics , such as Paul Hoch , that sport is a mere instrument of capitalist domination designed to slough off energies or divert them into meaningless channels ( 1972 ) .
18 By a notice of appeal dated 12 December 1990 the plaintiffs appealed on the grounds , inter alia , ( 1 ) that the judge erred in law in holding that the first defendant was entitled to add to any security , all the costs charges and expenses , however unreasonable they were ; ( 2 ) the judge failed to follow the decision in In re Adelphi Hotel ( Brighton ) Ltd. [ 1953 ] 1 W.L.R. 955 ; ( 3 ) the judge erred in law in construing the charging covenants of the legal mortgage which were all in similar terms that all costs charges and expenses howsoever incurred by the first defendant or any receiver under or in relation to the mortgage or such indebtedness or liabilities on a full indemnity basis as allowing the first defendant to charge as it pleased however unreasonable such a charge might be ; and ( 4 ) the judge erred in law in not construing that provision as a provision providing for taxation or computation on an indemnity basis of the first defendant 's costs , charges and expenses .
19 These men , either forgetting or not realising that work is but a component of life and not a reason for it , are likely to have spent too much time working , to the exclusion of family and leisure activities .
20 The Germans say that they can not absorb that number , and country after country is saying the same .
21 Similarly head the right-hand column ‘ reasons against ’ , and write down all the reasons as to why you should not make that choice .
22 She would not make that mistake again .
23 He would not make that mistake .
24 Carefoot ( 1977 ) , considering the feeding habits of the Pacific V. lamellosa predating mussels , Mytilus edulis , or acorn barnacles , Balanus glandula , in the laboratory , did not make that mistake .
25 ‘ I do not make that distinction , ’ said Zeinab .
26 Simply because a variable can be constructed that has a good correlation with experimental results does not make that variable per se a causal entity .
27 I do not make that presumption .
28 Harris peremptorily summoned him to the committee-room after this latter incident and told him : ‘ We do not want that sort of thing at Lord 's , Fender . ’
29 If you do not want that guidance within , that 's all right too .
30 That Radio 1 has not altered that formula in over ten years is testimony to their professionalism .
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