Example sentences of "not [verb] it into " in BNC.

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1 One of the important things is to enjoy the preparation and not make it into a chore .
2 All your suggestions may not make it into our pages , but they find a place in our hearts …
3 Ragusa was able , however , to develop its overland trade with the Balkan hinterland , as this activity did not bring it into direct competition with the seaborne trade of Venice .
4 The Principle of Partial Inverses shows that FRF ′ R ’ does not affect a piece like FL because F does not carry it into the overlap region , hence it is unaffected by R , then restored by F ’ and again left unaffected by R ′ .
5 When pounded sufficiently fine it flushed out through sieves or perforated plates and thence to hoppers or heaps for further processing , it was important to keep the grills clear , and the stuff moving , for it was vital not to overstamp it into slime .
6 Maybe they simply see the ark as a visible guarantee of God 's presence and of victory , but that understanding of it is no better , for then they turn it into an idol , ascribe to it magical powers , and leave us asking why they did not take it into battle in the first place .
7 At least in the youth game the referee has a very clear directive as to who should be awarded the put-in ; the side who did not take it into ruck or maul .
8 I only pray heaven she may not take it into her head to run away while I am out of reach ! ’
9 However , it can be possible for the documents to be signed after you have sent a payment by cheque provided that you arrange for us to hold the cheque and not pay it into the bank until we have received the signed Deed of Covenant .
10 They will not get it into their heads that what the military wants is military information , not the phone number of some general 's girlfriend .
11 Of what followed I can not tell in detail — I dare not put it into words .
12 Er can I hang this up and no , so as not to take it into the church ?
13 Right , we 've been postponing this discussion , I know , erm because we 've not sort of felt er we 've not fitted it into previous meetings .
14 And if you ca n't make it into the salon , you can STILL save money .
15 FGTJ are distributed by Rio , which means this 12″ should be available in your local Our Price but wo n't make it into the independent charts .
16 Other features also under consideration — which wo n't make it into the ABI this time around — include requirements for application-to-application communication and linking , updated networking topologies , common installation and system administration facilities .
17 That is a pig of a road , I must admit , I do n't know why they do n't make it into a dual carriage way .
18 Then he did n't make it into the record books .
19 WHAT DO you do when your image as a bunch of glamorous rock'n'roll animals starts wearing thin , and you still have n't made it into the big time ?
20 ‘ You did n't stick it into somebody , by any chance ? ’
21 ‘ All right , I wo n't , but I hope Zelah has n't got it into her head that I 'm to do something about all this nonsense . ’
22 we , I 've had when we go down , on Thursdays we go to the sports hall sometimes if it 's wet and erm we 're to erm do things the teachers and I er , have tried a bit of basketball but I ai n't got it into
23 Read the first paragraph again , but do n't copy it into your last paragraph .
24 Looking in at the observation ward , with its partly screened beds , she hoped that Mike Quinn — poor man — would n't take it into his head to go in a hurry .
25 Q When we built a conservatory this summer we did n't link it into our central heating system as our boiler was n't big enough .
26 I would n't put it into a company where the profit record was likely to be poor , because the last thing you want is for the share price to be lower than the option exercise price ’ .
27 I do n't think getting the Labour party to resolve for unilateral disarmament changes anything … they just wo n't put it into practice they ca n't … you look at the record of governments there 's no way they can stop defending us
28 I ca n't put it into words .
29 Ca n't put it into my
30 But that said , erm what what it what the position is , er i is that we have put into the model Well we have n't put it into the model because it was given to us a part of the model and possibly by now North Yorkshire may have the revised model , No they have n't yet .
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