Example sentences of "not [verb] he at " in BNC.

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1 It had hurt him , Groa knew , that his father did not need him at his side now , in the first hour of real danger since Rognvald had tried to claim the north seven years before .
2 You must deploy Mr Bargepole equipped with a pair of electrodes and a can of Aqua Regia in the MD 's office of United Newspapers and not let him at it until he has secured your reprieve .
3 Since then , he had returned only when his father was down at the harbour overseeing the refitting of the Russell , staying out all night and sleeping rough , and for the last three days she had not seen him at all .
4 They turned him down on ‘ security grounds ’ ; a lot of the Surinamese living in Holland make it plain that they do not like him at all .
5 They were quite convinced that if Jeopardy had not been quite so stunning to look at , most people would not like him at all because he was arrogant and cold .
6 She did not see him at once , as he stood back from the coiling smoke .
7 After that we did not see him at all .
8 She does not see him at all .
9 I can not remember him at all , whether he was young or old or fat or thin or short or tall or anything .
10 She was almost unconscious and did not recognize him at first .
11 He was wearing his best suit , which did not fit him at all .
12 Rose did not take him at his word .
13 One of them , Machik , ‘ manifested great inventiveness , cunning and insidiousness in his struggle against the Russian authorities , and the voevody could not take him at his word ’ .
14 For some reason this did not surprise him at all .
15 It did not surprise him at all that the Chairman 's answer should come , hand-delivered , to his villa at four o'clock in the morning , and that the rendezvous would be away from Baghdad .
16 For the life of her she could n't say the expected thing and it hurt with surprising depth that this man had known her father when she herself had not known him at all .
17 the Racing Post did not mention him at all in its main preview of the race ; and the official Cheltenham racecard form guide nominated him ‘ more of a candidate for last place than first ’ .
18 Had Curtly Ambrose , supported by umpire Barker , not ejected him at Bridgetown three winters ago , who knows ?
19 He had been there since his early morning session with Tolonen , unaware of how his fate had hung in the balance in the interim , but Li Yuan did not summon him at once .
20 But the significance of this did not strike him at the moment .
21 Dinah , who had not liked him at Hampstead , did not like him now ; but the information he brought was useful .
22 ‘ If you had not lost him at cards , would he have got into prison ?
23 If the killer wanted Michael dead , why not shoot him at Barak 's house ? ’
24 Suddenly , a fact struck Ken that did not please him at all .
25 I did n't fancy him at first , not particularly .
26 And he added : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
27 At a separate news conference , Sugar was in equally confident mood , telling reporters : ‘ We do n't want him at the club and if I have anything to do with it , he 's not coming back at all . ’
28 You hit his conscience and it gives , but it does n't hurt him at all .
29 NEALE DOUGHTY ( Twin Oaks ) : ‘ The delay at the start did n't affect him at all , but he had too much weight and the ground was probably too fast . ’
30 ‘ Clover Lodge did n't suit him at all .
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