Example sentences of "not [verb] to [adv] " in BNC.

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1 What he 's asking for is that any references to that particular disastrous day is not referred to as Black Wednesday , but in fact as Devaluation Day .
2 ‘ We do not want to just duplicate the work of other organisations , such as the Regular Forces Employment Agency , which has started to operate in the area . ’
3 If you do not want to actually volunteer for a specific charity but would like to offer your services generally to whoever may need them , then phone the Volunteer Co-ordinator , who will match you up with all sorts of jobs .
4 I wish to rewire it , but I 'm not sure how to do this as the wiring is in a bit of a mess , with earth wires all over the place , some not joined to anywhere .
5 I wanted to trail her back home but I thought it best not to go to too fast
6 A copy of the guarantee was not given to either Mr. O'Brien or Mrs. O'Brien .
7 The depth of the crisis can be gauged from the fact that the minister ( José Antonio Girón ) was a hard-line Falangist not given to either reformist " weakness " or left-wing sympathies .
8 As her swing got better and better , so she revealed an attitude and inner calm which are not given to very many .
9 This chapter covers a range of feeding problems found in young children , from not eating to excessively over-eating or eating non-edible items .
10 For instance , the theme of the third sentence , It , does not relate to either of the previous themes or rhemes .
11 Best of all for banana fingered reviewers , the DW1.2 's undo seems to go back forever , nd is not limited to just one step as is the case with so many other programs .
12 Such right-context effects ( Thompson 84 ) are not limited to just the initial portion of the utterance .
13 This procedure is not limited to totally new projects and is applied to significant modifications to existing plants .
14 One of the event organisers , George Sproule , said : ‘ The idea behind the fun day is to show that being part of the church is not limited to once a week on Sunday . ’
15 Inevitably this proximity involved a fair amount of touching and occasional pressures , which the man found very much to his taste , and which the young woman at least did not object to sufficiently to draw away to the limits of her corner .
16 You may not need to yet but it 'll be easier to plan now than when you 're under pressure .
17 One of the benefits of the ANLT 's morphological system is that it does not need to explicitly store all of the words it knows .
18 But the Working Party did not need to dally with morbidity indicators , since ‘ the reasons for the pattern of differential Regional mortality are not wholly understood but it is believed that Regional differences in morbidity explain the greater part of it and that statistics of relative differences in Regional morbidity , if they existed , would exhibit the same pattern as those for mortality ’ ( DHSS , 1976b , p. 16 ) .
19 In the final version , however , the wording had been amended to state that foreign banking markets were required to provide equivalent , but not necessarily identical , access facilities to EC banks if they wanted to trade within the EC ; it was also agreed that any foreign banks which were already trading legally within the EC would not need to reapply for authorization .
20 To avoid exaggerating this necessary aspect of the stones ( necessary because the later books are not addressed to more mature readers but to those who , feeling they really know Jack , Alick and Terence , would resent their becoming staid and solemn ) , Kingston introduced in the second book another trio of lads who filled the spaces left by the midshipmen now promoted in The Three Lieutenants , a sequel if ever there was one .
21 This is not confined to just making the applications do what they are supposed to but the whole concept of the Macintosh is that anyone can look after it .
22 They are not designed to exactly match the horses requirements .
23 But her clothes , make-up and hairstyle were not designed to please , but to impress .
24 Those who are not permitted to so continue may be eligible for the award of the Diploma in Advanced Legal Studies .
25 Dr Hobbs said both parties were caught by the need to appear tough on crime while not wanting to further drain resources by jailing more people .
26 That man , for instance — ’ he pointed to the one with the stuffed crocodile on his head — ‘ he does not expect to actually sell the damned thing .
27 In some cases this would not matter to much , however there could very well be serious implications of operating a component at a potential which is appreciably greater than its rated voltage .
28 A police spokesman , Roger Busby , said yesterday : ‘ We are becoming increasingly frustrated that ideal weather conditions do not appear to ever occur . ’
29 Some floatplanes evince slight directional indecisiveness because of reduced stability from the large side area of the forward-mounted floats , but this aeroplane did not appear to so suffer .
30 There is widespread geographical variation — provision is much stronger in the North-West and the East Midlands for example , compared with the South and South-East — and the number in higher education has not expanded to nearly the same extent .
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