Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , the organisers decided not to award him the individual trophy since he already had a team trophy and instead awarded the individual trophy to the person with the lowest score .
2 Louise realised that Nora wanted a fight in order to clear her growing frustration — and she was determined not to give her the opportunity .
3 So she said , ‘ I have n't had a chance to make up my mind yet , but I have no reason not to give her the benefit of the doubt . ’
4 It is absurd not to give them the chance , and help British industry and world science .
5 A number of councillors are asking for a judicial review of an RUC decision not to give them the go-ahead to get personal protection weapons .
6 Clarissa could only say glumly that according to the newspapers , the Finns were doing very well at any rate , and how mean Charles 's officers were not to give him a bit more Embarkation Leave .
7 As one of the party 's rural Deputies put it : ‘ If Ray proves he can do the toughest job in the EC , and he has , would n't it be foolish not to give him the opportunity to run this little country of ours ? ’
8 He allowed himself a small , tight smile as she clenched her teeth and remained staring him full in the face , determined not to give him the satisfaction of accepting his subtle invitation to check his statement .
9 He took a step towards her as he started to unbutton his shirt , and she forced herself not to give him the satisfaction of moving away .
10 She clenched her fists , unable to struggle , but determined not to give him the satisfaction of knowing she wanted him .
11 To interpret a text is not to give it a
12 ‘ Randolph , I have decided not to give you a red nose for Christmas .
13 But , erm , I just thought perhaps erm , it would be unfair not to give you a choice .
14 We went to see a dead man laid out , and it would be a pity not to give you an account of his state .
15 Another of the smaller outfits is Blue Peter Sailing , which runs a 29-footer with seven berths and promises not to give you the ‘ sail-it-on-its-ear-and-hard-luck-if-you're-seasick ’ routine .
16 Unfortunately he 's reactionary enough not to accord me the same freedom ! ’
17 Well he does to me , and I 'll thank you not to call him a bastard ! ’
18 Having failed to asset copyright on the 80386 name and 386 tag , Intel Corp is in a real bind over the P5 , and according to Computer Reseller News has decided not to call it the 80586 .
19 ‘ Once I put on a tie , I tend not to change it every day .
20 She decided not to offer him a gin and tonic before his performance .
21 When I come round the Lord 's table , it 's not to make me a better Christian , it 's not to make me a better person , a more religious person , a more spiritual person it 's a confession of faith , apart from being an act of obedience , it is a confession of faith .
22 When I come round the Lord 's table , it 's not to make me a better Christian , it 's not to make me a better person , a more religious person , a more spiritual person it 's a confession of faith , apart from being an act of obedience , it is a confession of faith .
23 There 's no harm in using highly processed foods occasionally but it 's best not to make them a regular part of the family 's diet .
24 Mary of Guise had the sense not to make him a cause célèbre .
25 Peter had won three times already and had been unlucky not to make it a fourth title the year before .
26 It 's not to make you the greatest soul winner .
27 When after I became a Christian I obeyed and was baptized , it was n't to make me a better person it was n't to make me er , someone who was , er more pious or more religious , or of having greater favour with God , it was done because he had commanded it in his word , and I was identifying myself with him .
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