Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 Western intelligence sources in Cambodia have claimed that Pol Pot , de facto leader of the Khmer Rouge , has issued a directive telling Cambodians not to kill animals for any reason .
2 It was like Tolonen not to abuse the Pass Laws ; not to grant permissions for his family or friends .
3 Ayatollah Khamenei , Iran 's spiritual leader , in a speech on June 10 said that there had been disorder in three towns ( Mashad , Shiraz and Arak ) where a small and subversive counter-revolutionhad taken advantage of the authorities ' leniency ; he warned municipal institutions not to provide pretexts for the stirring up of further disturbances .
4 When , at last , they were compelled to call a referendum on whether to do so , a solid majority voted not to try officers for crimes committed while they held power .
5 Care should be taken , however , not to mistake buzzards for eagles .
6 Belgians not to sell tickets for Ibrox
7 MP to check if SCSI card fitted , and if not to discuss specifications for a new machine .
8 They use their criticism not to refine plans for change but to block them .
9 Women pledged not to use feathers for decoration , and when the Society for the Protection of Birds was first founded in Britain , men were excluded — just as women had been excluded from the ranks of many scientific societies .
10 The job of care staff is not to do things for clients , but to enable them to do things for themselves .
11 Not to run errands for the powerful ones of this city .
12 It was a somewhat strained discussion on both sides , the Right , as it were , being careful not to be pejoratively dismissive and to stress the importance of improving the morale of cancer patients and of discussion between sufferers and the world at large ; the Left being equally cautious not to exaggerate claims for holistic medicine .
13 On Oct. 20 Japan expressed regret over what it claimed was an alleged breach by France of an agreement not to disclose preparations for the shipment .
14 During his campaign , he promised not to raise taxes for the middle classes ; he is now faced with the realisation that if he is to cut the deficit and fulfil his promises to improve social welfare , education and training and to overhaul health provisions , then tax increases which extend beyond the seriously wealthy are unavoidable .
15 There is more and more evidence that members are expected to work more overtime ; with strong attempts by some Management not to pay members for overtime worked .
16 No demand , however , was made on us by the gate-keeper , the authorities being so liberal as not to charge persons for walking either on the roads or footpaths .
17 We believe first of all the shock troops of the Labour Movement , the Radicals within the Liberal Party , the forces who want peace and not to become doormats for Hitler and Chamberlain to walk upon , and the members of the Left Book Club — have all to engage in organised effort to bring about Unity .
18 JUDGE William Crawford , 55 , who kissed a woman usher in chambers , has been told not to resume duties for the time being .
19 But he had just enough quality not to blame others for his guilt .
20 Yet Othello has the integrity not to make excuses for his error but to accept his responsibility , equate himself with the ‘ malignant and turbaned Turk ’ , and execute himself .
21 And , because they are designed to operate at a lower cost level they tend not to make demands for expensive peripherals such as PostScript devices or even simpler page printers such as Epsons and Okis that emulate the Hewlett-Packard LaserJet .
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