Example sentences of "not [to-vb] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This preparation has been shown not to affect epithelial cell proliferation .
2 With conditions virtually guaranteed to remain fast , trainer Arthur Moore decided not to risk Soft Day in the Arkle Chase .
3 There were no violent incidents of that magnitude at Twickenham for the Calcutta Cup match , but I know of many Scots who found the atmosphere unpleasant and have decided not to attend future rugby internationals in London .
4 The chapter entitled ‘ Help from formal services ’ makes sobering reading for service providers , though the aim of the research was not to promote particular policy or practice developments but rather to illuminate a previously neglected field .
5 I decided not to go straight back to the house .
6 The purpose of this is to increase through rewards and punishments the number of times the child chooses to perform acceptable behaviour and not to perform unacceptable behaviour .
7 The type of sampling used in the five community studies is quotasampling , and our main concern is not to claim absolute representativeness for the whole city , but to guard ourselves against the accusation that our informants might be hand-picked from amongst friends and neighbours — or , worse , from our students .
8 It is also possible , however , to interpret " these " as being used not to indicate spatial proximity , but to highlight the speaker 's empathy with the unfortunate referents of " these who die as cattle " , and , possibly , to elicit a similar attitude in the reader ( Lyons 1977:677 ; Levinson 1983:81 ) .
9 Belt loops were specified for the first time , and the khaki trousers were not to bear branch-coloured leg stripes .
10 In particular , the European Court did not answer the second question posed for its consideration by this House , which was concerned with the criteria to be applied by the national court in deciding whether or not to grant interim protection of the rights claimed .
11 ‘ We 're fighting for simple ordinary things : the right to grumble whenever you feel like it ; the right to be wrong and stupid , and the right to become less wrong and stupid if you want to ; the right not to suffer bodily pain .
12 Ambulance crews who treated the child said she was extremely fortunate not to suffer serious eye injuries in the incident .
13 ‘ The Americans are n't going to be impressed by somebody from Sprague 's Committee who was n't within miles of the Abbey telling them Not to worry old boy the Redcoats have muddled through again ca n't recall the details but just take my word for it …
14 The purpose of warranty insurance is not to provide general cover for all possible liabilities under the warranties but to provide cover for specific risks under the warranties .
15 The Master of the Rolls in the Court of Appeal rejected these arguments and said that the purpose of the Directive was to co-ordinate the authorities ' discretion in member states and not to provide additional protection for investors .
16 It is surely unjustifiable not to provide optimal control of blood glucose in the rest of the diabetic population while the results of these studies are awaited , provided that the means of achieving optimal glycaemic control are acceptable to patients , free from undesirable effects and not unduly expensive .
17 She thought her nurses were there to dress wounds and to feed hungry patients , not to provide emotional care for les braves .
18 He decided to deal with the problem in a way which imported a substantial element of farce into the overcharged atmosphere , although his object was not to provide light relief .
19 Whilst Jackson struggled not to offend black outreach workers , the system for processing the application forms buckled under the weight of numbers and its inbuilt defects .
20 The overplus of the Greek over the Hebrew was not regarded by Origen as less than fully canonical ; the suggestion that the overplus should be read for example of life and instruction of manners , but not to establish disputed doctrine , was left to Jerome .
21 And finally , several collections of pellets from corvids and gulls , which sometimes eat small mammals , were investigated , but in general these were found not to contain small mammal bones .
22 The goal of donor led initiatives should be to improve health care , not to increase private provision .
23 Geoffrey Howe 's plan was to increase taxes on petrol , alcohol and cigarettes ; to raise national insurance contributions ; and , worst of all , not to increase personal tax allowances , so in effect increasing personal taxation .
24 For a person insensitive to visual impressions the pattern on the wallpaper he is buying may seem not to deserve close scrutiny ; but if the room he has papered begins after a while to depress him , it has turned out that the pattern was relevant to the choice after all .
25 His control in these cases is such that he alone decides whether or not to sample , whether or not to demand remedial action .
26 Where such establishments are subject to careful ‘ quality control ’ , one would hope not to find physical abuse or neglect in their grosser forms .
27 This clause , committing its signatories not to create offensive work , was , he says , intended to elicit a lawsuit to test its constitutionality .
28 The citation only of India , ranked 27th in US overseas markets and with a bilateral trade surplus of $850,000,000 , accounting for only 1 per cent of the US deficit , was seen by most observers as evidence that the administration was anxious not to create ill feeling which might jeopardize the " Uruguay Round " of the multinational trade negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) [ see p. 37930 ] .
29 For advanced courses , the next few years should be a time to consolidate the positive achievements of ACDP and to adjust and refine as necessary , but not to initiate radical change .
30 ‘ We agree with the decision not to define sexual assault specifically .
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