Example sentences of "not [vb infin] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I could not lend it to you . ’
2 He merely strengthens the conclusions of the three wise men , who think that there may have been some recent decline but who certainly did not atribute it to the national curriculum , as the hon. Gentleman did .
3 When he said he was moving to Loxford to start another life before it was too late , she thought of abandoning him but she did not think it for long .
4 The Local Authority will not think it worth while spending money on science teachers or equipment , nor will properly qualified science teachers be willing to accept posts in such schools .
5 ‘ I most certainly did not knock it over myself ! ’ roared the Trunchbull .
6 Now , it may or not me noticeable if it 's a minor alteration in the surface geometry then it may be so slight as to make no difference in the way it performs so if , for example , it 's an enzyme it may not affect it at all .
7 But when I later tried to find my way back to the dining-room to finish my meal , which should have been a simple thing to do , I just could not locate it at all .
8 yeah , I can not eat it by itself , I could n't eat
9 It sounds like a typical design-by-committee product , but to the general relief the closest boat to this , the anodyne German Teeny , did not make it past Dover .
10 Larry Cummins unfortunately , could not make it to England for the reunion .
11 The statistically ‘ typical ’ rapist — the man who rapes one woman he knows — does not make it to front-page coverage , let alone fifty-nine pages across thirteen newspapers over ten days .
12 The most frequent trigger to that crisis was career blockage , the realization that they , with the vast majority , would not make it to the top .
13 Some hard-pressed commuters may not make it to the end of the line . )
14 They sprang into action when mum Angela Turner said she would not make it to Bishop Auckland hospital in time .
15 But let me tell you now about just a few of those entries which did not make it to the final but which , nevertheless , had several redeeming features .
16 All your suggestions may not make it into our pages , but they find a place in our hearts …
17 The Final will not make it onto American TV screens until four months after the event .
18 If you can not make it on that night , come to one of our First Friday meetings .
19 The model does not make it over the top of the loop and starts to fall inverted .
20 Both pulls are strong and theories which purport to reconcile them tend to be fragile , even though they capture a stout commonsense conviction that , as Marx put it , ‘ Men make their own history but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves . ’
21 We think that a coherent radical pluralism can be constructed on the basis of a humanism which accepts , as Marx put it , that human beings ‘ make their own history , but they do not make it just as they please ; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves ’ ( Marx , 1977 : 300 ) .
22 ‘ 'Men make their own history , ’ to quote the master , ‘ but they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves , but under circumstances directly encountered , given and transmitted from the past .
23 Tie the aircraft down with fixed pickets — concrete blocks and flimsy corkscrew pickets do not make it in the tiedown stakes .
24 As Marx remarked , even when we make our own history , we do not make it in conditions of our own choosing and much of it is made behind our backs .
25 If it were not human you would not want it for research and if it was not human no one would deny you having it for research . ’
26 That may be the competitive advantage that the hon. Gentleman wants for his constituents , but I do not want it for mine .
27 They were not sure Labour would win , and did not want it to .
28 They did not want it to be too obvious , since observing the search would provide them with great amusement .
29 He is looking for an easy rapport , but he does not want it to be too easy .
30 I think it 's I 'm not convinced about it because I think there 's s some people would , do n't , will not want it to be , to be involved in violence I , I would n't think .
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