Example sentences of "not [vb infin] from [art] " in BNC.

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1 This fear does not arise from a view of themselves as unskilled in formal police requirements , for no policemen or women would express that they suspect this of themselves , although some admit to suspecting it of others .
2 Electricity does not arise from the wall socket , nor even from the power station .
3 The idea that information about identifiable individuals must be handled with care is not new ; it does not arise from the use of computers to process such information , though the rapid development of computer technology in the 1950s and 1960s brought the issue into sharp relief .
4 They do not arise from the continuous political efforts of managers who , hoping they will have a short tenure of office , try to make their mark by some evident organizational change .
5 For Oakeshott the authority of respublica does not arise from the mere existence of a rule of recognition .
6 The error of rationalism , in Oakeshott 's argument , does not arise from the application of scientific methods to non-scientific material , but rather results from a mistaken understanding of the nature of reason .
7 He wants no reform , for the end of his abominable book is to show that the sufferings of the people do not arise from the want of reform ; but from the ’ indiscreet breeding of women ’ . ’
8 If Labov 's interpretations were suspect ( and of course they are not ) , this would not arise from the fact that he failed to test for significance .
9 It does not arise from the old style but in opposition to it .
10 There was a conspiracy among Labour Members to put on the record points that do not arise from the report .
11 Authority descended from above : it did not arise from the will of the majority of the people below .
12 3.11 When there is some particular feature in a case which aggravates the degree of suffering it need not arise from the plaintiff 's concern about himself .
13 Assuming there is a transfer of value and consequently a reduction in the value of the estate of Mr X which does not arise from the disposal of excluded property , and further assuming that the transfer is not an exempt transfer , one is left with a chargeable transfer on which inheritance tax is payable starting at nil per cent ( the nil rate band ) and 40 per cent .
14 My surprise does not arise from the possibility of a Government defeat over the social chapter but from the fact that it is only now that such a story has found its way onto the front pages .
15 It does not disappear from the monetary sector .
16 You would not think from the way Lavinia lived that there was anything at all ! ’
17 It did not evolve from the previous work on the classical Super ( which would never have led to it ) but was a piece of serendipity .
18 For you can not subtract from the conception of your pain that part of it which is you , the subject , and substitute the notion of another subject ( something like you but not you ) while supposing that the remainder ( the painfulness ) stays unchanged .
19 They do not spring from a vacuum or according to some arbitrary whim of the people and legislators , but have their origins in the human need to control and order existence .
20 The awareness of some unrecognizable danger did not spring from the knowledge that Johnny might yet offer her violence .
21 This appeal does not emanate from the rational and utilitarian purposes parents may satisfy through reading : rather , the child responds to the parents ' emotional absorption in reading .
22 The prices of alarms , as well , you 'd be quite surprised they do not range from a thousand .
23 Although there were some variations as the election campaign unfolded , the thrust of the Tory message on law and order did not deviate from the plan drawn up at the meeting on 7 July 1978 .
24 They are people dedicated to seeing that corporate goals and cultures do not deviate from the chosen path .
25 Even her father , for whose gardening abilities she now had a deep respect , did not deviate from the norm .
26 On Dec. 27 government spokesperson Yuan Mu was hissed at during a packed meeting with Beijing University students on current events when he said that China would not deviate from the socialist road , despite current events in Romania [ see pp. 37104-05 ] .
27 During the talks in Hanoi Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Le Mai urged the lifting of the US trade embargo against Vietnam , but Solomon insisted that the USA would not deviate from the four-point path to normalization outlined in April 1991 [ see p. 38149 ] .
28 They may even drive on occasions but must not deviate from the agreed route except where reasonable to protect the child .
29 The Prime Minister had his head down for the vast majority of the speech , assiduously following the whole of the 57 pages either to avoid the accusatory , glaring eyes of the Opposition or to check that his Chancellor did not deviate from the text .
30 The first is problematic in the light of the theory that living organisms ‘ see ’ with their eyes ; the second was problematic for the supporters of Galileo 's theories because it clashed with the ‘ force of a vacuum ’ theory accepted by them as an explanation of why the mercury does not fall from a barometer tube ; the third was problematic for Roentgen because it was tacitly assumed at the time that no radiation or emanation of any kind existed that could penetrate the container of the photographic plates and darken them ; the fourth was problematic because it was incompatible with Newton 's theory .
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