Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [to-vb] to " in BNC.

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1 There was a suggestion in Bridget 's tone she did not want to respond to .
2 ‘ You 'd have to signal in advance which issues you regarded as a matter of confidence — for instance , the Tories might have a crack at coal privatisation but might not want to go to the country on it if they failed . ’
3 She did not want to go to the beach because the beach meant the bikini , and spending all afternoon sucking in her gut and wondering why her skin went straight from fishbelly white to lobster red while all the other kids had golden tans .
4 On page 12 Whit Deschner explains why you would not want to go to this prime honeypot river .
5 The main problem was that many graduates did not want to go to units where conditions were not seen as ‘ suitable ’ to their requirements .
6 " The burial regulations and provision of mourning " , notes Stephen Jones , " make it plain that many a coasting man did not want to go to his maker like his deep-sea brother , sliding down a plank in a canvas sack with the last stitch through his nose " .
7 I did not want to go to prison again .
8 She did not want to go to her parents through fear of her father and because she might run into her baby 's father .
9 All she knew was that , unlike Cinderella , she did not want to go to Roman 's ball …
10 You may not want to go to all this trouble so I 'll let you in on another easier method of finding some good swims .
11 If you do not want to go to the police , ring Sunday Life on Belfast 331133 ext 4316 and your message will be passed on to the McDermotts .
12 ‘ He did not want to go to prison , so he decided to try out one of the well-known methods of avoiding prison by offering his services as a police informer , ’ Mr Roberts said .
13 He used to say that he did not want to listen to a man like Beethoven , whose stormy music told his hearers all about himself and his troubles , but rather to hear the pure beauty of musical form , which so far as he was concerned reached its acme in Mozart 's classical perfection .
14 It may also be that they did not want to listen to difficult questions we wanted to put . ’
15 The work force want to return to a contract and yet do not want to return to a situation which takes away from their individual freedom and negotiating rights .
16 Is it really true that industrialists do not want to return to such a situation ?
17 Industrialists do not want to return to Labour party policies because they know full well that that would mean Front-Bench Labour Members taking decisions instead of them .
18 I do not want to return to a world in which the lights go out , there is no money in the country , we have to turn to the International Monetary Fund , and investment in the leading industries has to be cut back .
19 The overwhelming majority of the British people do not want to return to such Victorian values as jobs at any price .
20 Rain did not want to explain to the others .
21 Generally , however , this suits neither party ; the lender normally has no wish to become a member and shareholder of the company and the borrower does not want to cease to be one .
22 And she did not want to talk to anyone .
23 But she did not want to talk to them .
24 The living may not want to talk to us but the dead await ! ’
25 She did not want to talk to her friend about Jamie , and she did not trust herself to hold a lengthy conversation with Bridget without mentioning his visit .
26 The first reason is that I did not want to advertise to anyone interested that a new swim had been create and cultivated .
27 Central government knew this would happen but did not want to admit to it in its plans .
28 I did not want to come to this council , but I came hoping that we could save blood .
29 This meant that the troublemakers , including many who did not want to come to Great Engeham in the first place , were given a pretty free run .
30 Is it too fanciful to suggest that once schools know why pupils do not want to come to classes , teachers can set about making school more attractive for at least some of the disaffected ?
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