Example sentences of "not [vb infin] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The woman had left the bags and O saw she was walking back to the child , he heard her heels , but O did not stay to see what she did to the child ( and so he did not see her pick the child up in her arms and hold him tight ) ; he turned quickly , and left the station as fast as he could .
2 ‘ You will not stay to watch me skate ? ’
3 I must not stay to tell you his sweet sayings , save one .
4 In the developed countries of the world , the UK and the USA represent the ‘ flexible ’ view of financial reporting : accounting standards exist to narrow the areas of difference ; they do not exist to eliminate them .
5 The Allied politicians lacked understanding , and yet they did not hesitate to place a barrier to Germany 's growth , and having placed that barrier , did not think to support it effectively in the years to come .
6 At the moment , the number of people suffering from flu in Scotland is nowhere near those levels , but one or two football managers may well be feeling ‘ as sick as a parrot ’ because they did not think to have their highly-priced investments vaccinated before the winter began .
7 They naturally did not think to apply it to their own empires .
8 Or a verdict in the field , ’ he said , abruptly flashing fire , ‘ for if you have occasion to speak with the Lord Owen again , you may tell him I will not spare to do my uttermost against him . ’
9 There have been times when I felt that our family was disintegrating , and while I know that more than one in three marriages fails , that does not make watching your own children admit their unhappiness any easier for them or for you .
10 They did not want to confuse their audience with images of pacifists , masochists or the self-proclaimed ‘ fierce dykes ’ who screamed that they wanted to make love to the first lady .
11 It is in my mind that they did not want to kill me , but Isay was left to face them alone .
12 ‘ Sometimes you are so nice I do not want to kill you , Mr Wilson ! ’ he said .
13 ‘ And when I came to England , I did not want to kill your Queen .
14 Karen did not want to miss it , any more .
15 Maggie did not want to take her arms away from Phoebe , she needed to be held .
16 ‘ I think we are quite unique because we do not want to take their money and run .
17 I do not want to take your silly name any longer .
18 Possibly this made you uneasy , or possibly , with the storm blowing up , you did not want to take your boat across to the mainland again , so you decided to let things alone , and not risk taking any stolen goods on board .
19 I would also like to know how critical the timing of the distributor pump is , as I have tried adjusting it ( by trial and error ) about a couple of degrees , with some improvement in performance , but do not want to take it too far .
20 The shy ten-year-old did not want to take it because she had her new skirt on and a clean blouse and was intent on the fair .
21 I did not want to repeat myself too often .
22 I did not want to lock myself in with Heathcliff .
23 They did not want to waste their time , effort , money and future chances in taking on an impregnable President .
24 They do not want to waste their time going backwards and forwards to the general practitioner 's surgery .
25 I do not want to waste your time today discussing this rubbish .
26 I do not want to waste my time writing for silly buggers like you .
27 It was only because his employer did not want to waste his time in court proceedings that Willy escaped probation and a possible jail sentence .
28 You start to see a pattern developing in your study and you do not want to let yourself down by not studying today .
29 I did not want to let her go .
30 The Minister has told us today that he does not want to let us know what his proposals will be when he goes into negotiations .
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