Example sentences of "not [vb pp] a new " in BNC.

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1 Marxist literary criticism has not produced a new theory in over twenty years .
2 And , at 62 , Joe has still not found a new job .
3 I haven I have n't developed a new word at number six , that is overall presents her argument in a confident and persuasive manner .
4 Have n't seen them , have n't seen a new one .
5 ‘ He has n't got a new one .
6 You know , I mean we have n't I ai n't got a new car or anything , I 've had that
7 He goes you have n't got a new R S teacher have you ?
8 Some damn printing shop or some job shop that had n't bought a new type since nineteen fifty or eighteen ninety .
9 One of the things that 's wrong with British shipping is that too much of it is in the hands of ancient mariners , dyed-in-the-wool shipping families that have n't had a new idea since the days of sail .
10 The only wonder was that he had n't set a new time limit for her departure .
11 United Airlines and American Airlines I 've been told are n't really all that good to fly with , mate of ours went up to the airport to pick his parents up , they just got back from a holiday in and er they flew and a , on a seven hour journey , where ever it was they come from , they did n't have any food , no food , nothing , what they done is they , they , they 'd taken a container off , but they had n't put a new one on .
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