Example sentences of "not [vb pp] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 It said the family of Mr Johnson must feel they have not received justice in respect of the death of their son .
2 Conversely , there are patients with events who have not received resuscitation in whom the mechanisms responsible will be similar to those identified here .
3 Teenagers like to experiment and to feel rebellious , and problems can arise if they are not given guidance in the use of alcohol .
4 Nevertheless , we have not included vocabulary in our statements of attainment until level 7 .
5 He said he wanted to be pleased at this news , but had been unable to confirm whether it was true or not , since Susan had not requested assistance in the boy 's upbringing , nor did she intend to call on him for support .
6 They 've got this little thing in their head if it 's not got blood in it no red blood they can eat it .
7 The duo came to Darlington about 18 months ago for a one-night show , but have not played panto in the North-East before .
8 But it omits a crucial sentence that appeared in the scientists draft report which read : ‘ These figures appear to be minimum values because a ) the decrease in the isotopic ratio in blood probably had not reached equilibrium in 1979 and b ) they reflect solely the contribution of the petrols affected by the lead isotopic ratio change , ’
9 Human turpitude of a personal kind is clearly visible in the activities of the wife and the monk — a sad human ignorance , lack of mastery and even spiritual failure in the case of the merchant — a turpitude that is not rendered comic in any distinguished way by some unexpectedly creative sleight of hand in the Shipman 's Tale , nor artfully embodied in the sort of grotesque and rapid excesses that we have in Les quatre Souhais Saint Martin .
10 His scheme had not found favour in my eyes .
11 Porta caval shunt operations have not found favour in recent years because of the increased incidence of postoperative hepatic encephalopathy .
12 One of the initiatives is to encourage more teacher placements in industry , so that those in education who have gone from school to college and back to school as teachers and who have not experienced life in industry or commerce can be exposed to it , the better to assist their pupils in preparing for a working career .
13 In conclusion , it seems that the increasing incidence of audit committees has not yet brought about any significant improvement in perceptions of corporate accountability and has not restored confidence in financial reporting .
14 ‘ When the proposals failed , I gave up on the profession and have not set foot in the Institute since , but it is characteristic of Bill 's commitment that he has carried on regardless . ’
15 In spite of the fact that he had not set foot in Toledo throughout the entire operation , he was acclaimed as the saviour of the alcazar and received with smiles and gestures of obvious satisfaction the near-delirious attentions of the survivors of the siege .
16 This proposition , admittedly , is not without its difficulties when the sovereign is the same person in two or more realms where her ministers may tender divergent or opposing advice on the same subject ; but so far the possibilities involved in these different capacities of the sovereign have not caused embarrassment in practice .
17 ‘ Members will be pleased that the Chancellor has not increased tax in this Budget , but will watch the impact of the tax increases proposed for 1994-95 and 1995-96 … we are pleased that tax on whisky is not to be raised , but perhaps the tax basis should be brought into line with tax on other alcoholic drinks , ’ said Andrew Moore , director of the chambers .
18 Any measurement of the problem — ‘ an essential precursor to effective action ’ — is dependent on access to accurate information , but AA found that ‘ the introduction of computer-based monitoring systems has not gone hand in hand with the development of reporting and management systems ’ .
19 As before , he had not wasted energy in trying to keep watch about him .
20 The last Soviet troops left the country in 1958 and Romania has not taken part in any Warsaw Pact exercises since 1968 .
21 O'Doherty , who had not taken part in the obstruction , was fined £5 for allegedly leading the singing of ‘ We shall overcome ’ ( a charge he denied ) , and the others were bound over for two years on £50 personal bail .
22 Difficulties in Soviet relations with its East European neighbours continued into the 1970s and 1980s , particularly in Romania ( which had not taken part in the invasion of Czechoslovakia and refused to allow any Soviet troops to be stationed on its territory ) and above all in Poland .
23 And those European countries which have not taken part in the fighting may have peace-making credentials in the Arab world at least as good as those who have .
24 Since Picasso and Braque had not exhibited for some time , and since they had not taken part in the manifestations at the Salon des Indépendants and the Salon d'Automne , the public were not in a position to realize that their abstention deprived the Section d'Or of much of its meaning .
25 It is remarkable that the Palestinian Jews transmitted the new strength of their faith to those Jews who had not taken part in the Maccabean revolution and who might well have reacted unfavourably to it .
26 There must be few people in modern industrial societies who have not taken part in an interview for a social survey for the purposes of market research , public opinion polling or academic research ( see Chapter 4 ) .
27 As it was no longer raining they had not taken shelter in any of the caves , but after a time the thin man out of sheer restlessness looked into the nearest and came out carrying a sack .
28 Although fox hunting has not taken place in Hyde Park for many years , an impressive Hunt Ball was held in the Polish Hearth Club in Kensington last week for Shropshire 's United Pack .
29 The heads of the metatarsals were fused , which one would expect to be accomplished by nineteen years , but fusion had not taken place in the secondary pelvic centres .
30 The ensuing changes have not taken place in a vacuum , but have had to take account of existing industrial relations institutions and practices .
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