Example sentences of "not [adv] [vb infin] to " in BNC.

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1 It is true that the section does not expressly refer to proceedings by way of injunction as such ; but , as I have previously said , the breadth of the section is such as to embrace injunction proceedings , brought under the power subsequently conferred by section 222 of the Local Government Act 1972 , when such proceedings are necessary .
2 Thus if the clause does not expressly refer to negligence , the clause may still exclude liability for negligence provided that ( 1 ) the wording is capable of covering negligence and ( 2 ) there is no other head of liability to which the clause could apply .
3 In this he was mistaken , since state control over industry was considerably reduced once the war was over , even if it did not wholly return to pre-war conditions .
4 It is important to emphasize that ‘ creative accounting ’ does not properly refer to ‘ illegal accounting ’ : there is or was no support for illegal accounting .
5 Voters do not instinctively turn to Labour in time of trouble .
6 But it also strained credulity to believe that any sort of war where any sort of nuclear weapons were available would not eventually lead to full-scale atomic destruction .
7 ( 2 ) A partner who retires from a firm does not thereby cease to be liable for partnership debts or obligations incurred before his retirement .
8 I wonder whether Christ would not rather go to Calvary again than to suffer the unfaithfulness of some of his friends .
9 Who would not rather own to theft and deception within the Church 's writ , rather than put his neck into the sheriff 's noose for murder ?
10 And in doing so , she is internalising , that is , she is filling herself with what does not rightfully belong to her .
11 ( The maxim of manner , for example , does not obviously apply to primarily interactional conversation . )
12 Those that carry the same names as overseas beers are produced under licence and do not necessarily adhere to the recipe or strength of the original .
13 Anyway , since the English language , not unlike its speakers , and the climate in which it was reared , did not necessarily adhere to the principles of predictability , even had the thought of the good Earl occurred to me , I may st ill not have surmised that it gave proof positive one way or the other re the acceptable pronunciation of the Square 's Christian name .
14 Although increased cellular proliferation does not necessarily relate to carcinogenesis , some researchers have suggested the use of increased cellular proliferation as a marker of cancer risk in man and since some dietary fibres have been shown to increase colonic cellular proliferation and to increase tumour yield in nimal models of colon cancer the effect of fermentable fibre on cellular proliferation may be a cause of concern .
15 The keyword LAST-CHECKED-ISSUE does not necessarily relate to the CHECKED-BY keyword in the MODIFICATIONS-RECORDS field of the module referenced , but is purely for the user 's information .
16 Nor do I try to get in touch with Lord Mountbatten , and I would not necessarily want to .
17 The details of it all were a little mundane to him and he did not necessarily want to be implicated in them .
18 A charter party did not necessarily attest to the ownership of the goods shipped because the charterer might not have been a shipper , but merely a lessor of space .
19 The terms ‘ old age ’ and ‘ retirement ’ are often used interchangeably , but they do not necessarily refer to the same things .
20 My diagnosis of the increased gap between the participants implied by the Sidneian constellation is strengthened by Lyons 's argument that ‘ whereas first and second person are the positive members of the category of person , third person is essentially a negative notion ’ , because ‘ it does not necessarily refer to participants in the situation of utterance ’ .
21 The profane word elohim ( which need not necessarily refer to Yahweh ) is now used to describe Saul 's fits of mania and ecstasy .
22 A Halifax spokesman stressed the £20m provision on loans to the Kentish development Burrell 's Wharf was highly prudent and would not necessarily lead to a loss of the same magnitude .
23 Saturday 's name change was the sixth this century , and the previous alterations did not necessarily lead to a radical renewal .
24 He reaffirmed the belief he held then , that the use of soft drugs did not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs , although he conceded that he would never have encountered any other drug if he had not become involved with smoking marijuana .
25 The results of delegation of power from LEA to schools need not necessarily lead to the sorts of negative effects for teachers outlined above .
26 The trouble is , this does not necessarily lead to greater understanding of why something represents good practice .
27 I does not necessarily lead to an increase in the price of consumer goods .
28 It is argued that this difference may be partially accounted for by the higher standard of living in Sri Lanka , but also that the motives and social composition of offenders in normal times were such that depressed economic conditions did not necessarily lead to substantial increases in criminal activities .
29 The transformation of the problematic does not necessarily lead to a transformation of the form of validity of knowledge .
30 Professor Chapman points out that this does not necessarily lead to a drop in standards of physical care , but stresses the apparent risk that patients may occasionally be made to feel ‘ merely an appendage to a machine ’ .
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