Example sentences of "not [adj] for any " in BNC.

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1 Methodologically , it is not possible for any researcher to get the kids to talk with much sense of ideas since the question ‘ Why ? ’ to the smashing of milk bottles is one that is not possible for the boy to answer outside the context of the whole Saturday evening …
2 So you get , if you like , a development here er of presidential authority and the perception of the presidency both from the point of view of incumbents and from the point of view of the American people and gradually in the twentieth century you get an increasing focus an increasing focus on the presidency as the engine of government , that it 's the president who makes things happen , it 's the president who fixes things , it 's the president who responds to crises and as the crises become more frequent and the crises become more intense so the focus on the president also expands and the Buchanan view is now no longer tenable , the Buchanan view it 's not possible for any president to play the dignified monarch .
3 Under pressure from Russian nationalists , however , Yeltsin had made increasingly overt statements in the weeks preceding his visit suggesting that the time was not right for any major alteration in the status of the disputed territory , and calling for greater Japanese flexibility on the issue of the sovereignty of the islands .
4 There were times when we wished that there had been a cash element but it is not sensible for any bank to pay out cash at this time .
5 It is not easy for any of us to stop and chat to people that we do not know , but in ti me confidence grows .
6 ‘ It is not easy for any outsider to gain a sufficient insight into the lives of these people .
7 Life is not easy for any of us , and despite what people think can be hard for those of us who have the luck to be well endowed with this world 's goods .
8 It was still not lawful for any Council member or officer concerned with the relief of the poor to supply goods to the institution .
9 ( 4 ) The chairman of a licensing board or , in his absence , the clerk of the board may , if a quorum is not present for any such meeting of the board , call a further meeting in place of the meeting not held .
10 In a moment of exasperation she told James Whitaker : ‘ I want you to understand that I am not responsible for any sackings .
11 Field assistants , unlike the district men , are not responsible for any geographical part of an area .
12 The offences are subject to defences that may be summarised as being ‘ no-negligence ’ defences , that is , that the organiser was not responsible for any default that may have occurred in the conduct of the meeting or procession .
13 We are not responsible for any additional measures which could be considered to be of a preventative nature for the future .
14 Some six hundred hectares of that land is actually designated as greenbelt , but in addition within that a number of those areas are er prevented from development in perpetuity we 'd argue because a large part of that area has got a historic status as stray land , which is a form of common land , which means it 's actually not not available for any form of development , similarly the flood planes of the river Ouse in particular is for physical development reasons er prevented from development in many areas , and those of you who were here this weekend will have no noticed the reason why , it was a flooding that took that took place on the Ouse valley , in addition to those constraints , open space within the city is at a premium erm the city falls below the Emperface standard , erm by er something like erm half a hectare per thousand population , so compared with the Emperface standard of two point four per thousand , the city reaches a quite a generous erm categorization of the recreational space we have available , only a total of two hectares per thousand , therefore , and this is very relevant to the Greater York debate , erm , really the only land for development within the city is recycled land , there are limited number of er sites which have not been developed in recent years erm which can be identified for development , and are being identified for development in our draft local plan .
15 Mrs Vendrely , mother of Alexander , seven , Ryan , two , and Lianne , five weeks , said : ‘ I am disgusted because , as the wives of US servicemen , we are not eligible for any state benefits and we do n't take advantage of the public services .
16 Can there exist a continuous function which is not differentiable for any x ?
17 It is not necessary for any other member of the party to write to us .
18 In other words , under the misappropriation theory it is clear that no breach of duty to the issuer of the securities traded in , is required , provided there has been a breach of duty to another person ; however , under Rule 14e-3 it is not necessary for any fiduciary duty to be owed or breached .
19 While these high mountain areas are not suitable for any form of significant agricultural improvement , reintroduction of grazing will have altered the vegetation communities somewhat , preventing the slow reversion of semi-natural communities to more natural , rank vegetation with scrub encroachment on lower slopes .
20 He may also have felt that the time was not ripe for any definitive initiative .
21 Neither DW nor LD shall be not liable for any incidental or consequential damages , such as but not limited to , loss of anticipated profits or benefits resulting from the use of the Program or arising out of any breach of any warranty .
22 Table C — for use where the employee is not liable for any contributions .
23 An event which occurs after the breach of duty and which contributes to the plaintiff 's damage , may break the chain of causation , so as to render the defendant not liable for any damage beyond this point .
24 If the third party act is held to be a novus actus interveniens , then the defendant is not liable for any damage occurring after the act .
25 In fact the document contained a clause which provided that " the company is not liable for any damage , howsoever caused " .
26 For instance : We are not liable for any loss or damage caused by breach of any express or implied term of this contract or We accept no liability for any loss or damage , howsoever caused .
27 The evidence is not sufficient for any protagonists of particular approaches to feel satisfied .
28 It is n't easy for any of us today to be sure that we are getting all the vitamins that we need .
29 He frowned and his eyes darkened dangerously and Ruth thought she had misjudged her timing and he was n't ready for any thoughts of their future together .
30 His eyes were on her , but Shelley was n't ready for any attempts at reconciliation .
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