Example sentences of "not [art] people [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It can not be said often enough that these are not the people at the top of the organization , but those at the bottom .
2 Success — or apparent success — had gone to the heads of the dissident group , if not the people on the paper .
3 But I would say to each of your listeners I sure you know people who find a tranquility , a centredness , a source of strength and confidence in their religious faith , they are the representatives of what religion can do , not the Ayatollahs , and not the fanatics , and not the people on television , but the people who spend their lives trying to be good and helpful , and one day they 'll look around and realise that happiness has snuck in the back door when they were n't even looking for it .
4 Not the people in it , just the house .
5 There are times when people are in need , and that 's fine , but the problem in this parish is not the people in need not being supplied , the problem is that people are , are simply receiving what they wish to receive and not actually making very much contribution .
6 Funnily enough it 's not the people like me who usually do get the boot in academic life , it 's the people with real talent who generally have a hard time . ’
7 ‘ Why should n't the people of Coventry enjoy their football and support a winning team that can finish in the top six at least ? ’
8 But wait a moment , are n't the people at Taligent talking about OS/2 and AIX personalities ( that they call ‘ adaptors ’ ) to sit on Taligent ? — on the one hand there is a microkernel with Taligent on top and an OS/2 adaptor .
9 But wait a moment , are n't the people at Taligent talking about OS/2 and AIX personalities ( that they call ‘ adaptors ’ ) to sit on Taligent ? — on the one hand there is a microkernel with Taligent on top and an OS/2 adaptor .
10 Could n't the people in these places use more goods if they had the power to purchase them ?
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