Example sentences of "not [prep] [noun] or " in BNC.

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1 McAllister really did think that she was going to faint this time , not through shock or disgust , but sheer physical exhaustion , except that the will which her family deplored kept her on her feet .
2 We accept the general proposition that people should rise to the top as far as possible through their talents and skills , not through wealth or influence or inheritance .
3 But it is important to remember that there were those colleagues who expressed their hostility not through obstruction or outright opposition , but through silence .
4 The history of Western Marxism amounts to a history of attempts to provide a means for transcending the condition of alienation and achieving that lost totality , not through irony or a reified homogeneous temporality , as in Lukács ' novel , but , according to his formulation of Marxism , through history and class consciousness .
5 The thrust of these discursive creations is control ; control not through denial or prohibition , but through ‘ production ’ , through imposing a grid of definition on the possibilities of the body .
6 ‘ Work in progress ’ is primarily ‘ graphique , ’ not ‘ por daguerre ’ : it is writing , writing for itself , not as daguerrotype or any other semi-photographic attempt to represent reality .
7 It 's not about hair or women being shameful , it 's about respect , about being sacred .
8 Success is not about money or position — it is about personal satisfaction and self-esteem .
9 The Secretary of State talked about cost , economy , efficiency and effectiveness but not about quality or service .
10 It 's not about violence or brutal police officers and I say that because for the last few years there 's been an awful lot of publicity about the particularly in the Metropolitan area and I ask you you will have read some terrible things about certain police officers .
11 ‘ This is not about beauty or trying to appear younger , ’ says the artist whose first name is Mireille but wants to be known only as Orlan .
12 Responsibility is not about duty or guilt .
13 I wonder whether eventually admissions will be possible only during working hours but not during lunch or coffee breaks .
14 Apparently it was all right to receive money from the Treasury in neat health authority allocations , but not for cheques or , worse still , cash to appear over the hospital counter .
15 It is not for Jan or I to welcome people to the Community , although we do everything else .
16 This was the English passion , not for self-improvement or culture or wit , but for DIY , Do It Yourself , for bigger and better houses with more mod cons , the painstaking accumulation of comfort and , with it , status — the concrete display of earned cash .
17 because the cry of the Soviets was at the time , in nineteen seventeen , the cry of the Soviets was not for communism or socialism but their cry , and they had it inscribed on their banners , peace land and bread , that 's what they had there , peace , land and bread , not communism .
18 Not for graphics or depth of gameplay , as the crude design did n't include either of these .
19 He clasped Joanne in his arms , not for love or lust , just sheer joy at being alive .
20 And you still ca n't get a good daily woman now to clean , not for love or money .
21 Fighting is always a last resort , because the result is never certain ; and if we do fight , we have a responsibility to use our knowledge only to get us out of trouble — not for revenge or retribution .
22 Not to play with the twins , not for solace or scraps or to complain about the social security man , but simply to be a nuisance since being a nuisance was his way : to say again that he was the child of Miss Lavant .
23 ‘ Bedrooms should be reserved for sleeping and not for work or an office or watching TV , ’ said Dr George Beaumont , an expert in sleeping disorders .
24 He found it in the fact that the State , ‘ united for once in spirit ’ and ‘ with the fervent consent of the people of every land subject to the rule of our King ’ had entered on an arduous conflict , not for territory or glory but ‘ for the sake of enforcing the plainest rules of international justice and the plainest dictates of common humanity ’ .
25 He fought not for honour or glory but to put an end to the threat of Naggaroth for all time .
26 Health services exist for the benefit of patients , not doctors ; schools and colleges are for students , not for teachers or administrators .
27 Another , equally ingenious , theory sees the black and white coats as a display , not for predators or for fellow zebras but instead for insect pests .
28 the monarchy are non political and therefore , when they choose to speak it 's usually out of a genuine concern for that problem , it 's not for popularity or personal gain because they are there already and , I think that is quite important when po politicians tend to do good it 's usually to get votes .
29 The shares have been soaring on hopes that the rate rises would go through , and Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp is likely to get some of the local rate increases it is seeking , Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Junichiro Koizumi told Reuters : the company wants to raise rates across the board , but the hikes are likely to be granted only for pay telephones , not for households or businesses .
30 Not for sale or anything is it ?
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