Example sentences of "not [noun sg] [prep] the " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 In Lawson v Rolfe ( 1969 ) 46 TC 199 , it was held that stock dividends paid under a particular provision in the law of California were not income in the hands of a life tenant of an American will trust .
2 It was not income from the interest under the trust ( which would have been a foreign possession regardless of the underlying sources ) .
3 The weather was not kind to the competitors in 1987 , being very wet and stormy .
4 The balance-of-payments deficit is not as bad as it looks , partly because it stems from private sector choices rather than public sector profligacy , and is thus inherently less inflationary as individuals can not resort to the printing press to ease the burden of their debt ; and partly because much of it may be imaginary , since the figures omit the ‘ balancing item ’ of unrecorded net receipts from overseas assets .
5 Some of my former colleagues would agree that my recent work is unhistorical but on the contrary condemn it for this — or rather they would condemn it did they not resort to the easier course of dismissing it as the gutterings of a senile mind .
6 The essential difference between this offence and larceny is that in larceny the victim does not part with the ownership but in obtaining by false pretences he does .
7 These books are timeless , not part of the changing whirl of food fashion or trend , rather part of a backbone of information and knowledge without which all cookery books are quite irrelevant .
8 Strength , however , was not part of the problem-He , of course , was a married man , a married Englishman , like Trevor Howard or James Mason in an early role .
9 They can not remember when Britain was not part of the European Community or when there were not ‘ troubles ’ in Northern Ireland .
10 Mr Justice Millett held that , by reason of the decision of the Chief Commons Commissioner on 17 March 1977 , the plaintiffs were estopped from asserting as against the defendant council ( other than in proceedings concerned with the registrability of certain grass road verges within the Royal Manor of Portland under the Commons Registration Act 1965 , in respect of which the plaintiffs accept that this issue had been finally determined ) that the road verges were not part of the highway .
11 The defendants tried to prove that Umkhonto we Sizwe was not part of the ANC .
12 By accepting the jurisdiction of an external authority in domestic matters , the UK in effect converted her responsibility for the external relations of the Isle of Man into a total responsibility for its internal affairs , and abrogated by a sidewind the semi-independence of the Islands , which are under the Crown but not part of the United Kingdom .
13 She remembered a little of the acrimony , of the mounting bitterness within the house , of their winter of discontent , which was so much part of and not part of the winter outside , and the miners ' strike .
14 They use a business language that is so predictable and going out and doing it is not part of the course .
15 The ECMT , which is not part of the EC , is widely regarded as an ineffectual organisation .
16 Under Lynch that was not part of the regime , which is regarded as a curious omission in most gyms , and it did not work for Benn .
17 Under Lynch that was not part of the regime , which is regarded as a curious omission in most gyms , and it did not work for Benn .
18 The Stefan the Great Movement is not part of the Popular Front , which is the main umbrella group co-ordinating the opposition campaign , although many people are members of both .
19 But they are a hybrid because , although closely associated with particular groups , they are not part of the web of cross-shareholdings .
20 In ordinary parlance one might say that anyone who has been forcibly subjected to this offence has been raped ; the psychological effects are likely to be deep , and even if there is no risk of pregnancy ( as there is not from some rapes , since ejaculation is not part of the definition ) , there may be the risk of disease .
21 The oil tank is made from polypropylene and is not part of the main frame .
22 The Flank Companies of the 1st Guards ( Grenadiers ) certainly later reinforced the Coldstream and 3rd Guards but they were not part of the original garrison .
23 Under the Lateran Treaty of February 11 , 1929 , he says , the ecclesiastical state is deemed to be not part of Italy , and therefore not part of the EC .
24 Unlike John Major and his soapbox , it is not part of the image .
25 Meanwhile , members who were not part of the £116m Outhwaite out-of-court settlement have voted to press their claims for compensation through the 1992 Outhwaite Names Association .
26 The free zone , while not part of the merger , will be closely associated with DPA and will benefit from the marketing and service effort of the staff .
27 Subsidiarity betrays certain assumptions about politics which are not part of the British tradition .
28 The water is not part of the Canal ; the model was tested in an adjacent field where the topography was convenient .
29 The first quotation affirms the transcendence of God , who is not part of the world 's furniture , like an idol in a shrine .
30 This was plainly not part of the agreement and not only was the French government furious but it used the sentence as an excuse to generate public support for Mafart and Prieur on the grounds that they were being unfairly treated by the New Zealand government .
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