Example sentences of "not [art] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 If I misrepresent the subject of war ( but not the concern with love and loss ) in Housman 's poetry I can even fuel my own paranoia about the condition of our planet .
2 Resource is therefore not the problem with synthetic fuels and the progress or lack of it in the industry is a function and a consequence of the price and availability of hydrocarbons .
3 Is not the problem with the TGWU the fact that the only objective that it regards as important in the House is to support the Labour party ?
4 Finally , the politically important and influential newspapers were not the newspapers with the greatest circulation but the small circulation , élite ( political ) newspapers as exemplified by The Times .
5 I can not bear even the most distant apprehension that I have not the preference with you of any man living .
6 But not the ones with class .
7 And not the ones with er I 'm a hooligan tattooed on their heads .
8 Yet while empty part of wall or canvas feels sloppy , unfinished , this is not the case with the glass .
9 This is not the case with sugar , honey , grape must , cloves and other spices which increase its merit .
10 This is not the case with the new satellite system called GPS .
11 This was not the case with Morgan who seemed to have been more influenced by the Rousseauean tradition and who viewed the institution of private property with some misgivings .
12 This is not the case with thermoluminescence ( TL ) dating , which requires several grams of pottery .
13 This is not the case with me .
14 This was clearly not the case with John Pearson , however , who did not have an incurable deformity , nor was unable to feed .
15 Sadly , this is not the case with most adults .
16 Unfortunately , this is not the case with many millions of people whose backache is worse after even a short drive .
17 Sometimes hearing a cycle of works by the same composer actually has the opposite effect , making one realise limitations in the music , but this is simply not the case with Brahms .
18 This is not the case with several of the better-known recordings of the work where the organ has been added on later .
19 Whereas the STANDARD shaping section will not , for example , allow you to have a sleeve head that is too big or too small for the armhole , this is not the case with the ORIGINAL shaping section .
20 But this is not the case with , for example , Joan is getting dressed or John is having a shave .
21 This is very much not the case with Tolkien .
22 But joint Charlton manager Alan Curbishley said : ‘ Nobody begrudged Robert his move — and that was not the case with a couple of players when they left . ’
23 Whereas a white youth may have visions of becoming a successful sportsman , his parents may have a strong enough hold over him to deflect him and set him on course for a ‘ straight ’ job ; often this is not the case with blacks .
24 As Kahn-Freund ( 1974 ) has shown , although transplantation of labour relations rules relating to individual workers — such as legislative protection against unfair dismissal — is relatively straightforward , this is not the case with provisions of a collective nature .
25 Observers such as IDC 's David Smith believe that of the big three HP is the most likely to make a move because unity plays to HP 's hand , something he says is not the case with either IBM or Digital .
26 This was not the case with the relocated banksides on the Meadowell where the existing distinction was perpetuated .
27 Moreover , the notion of corrigibility is itself suspect : strictly speaking , one can only correct an utterance when one knows what the speaker intended to say , and this is not the case with the specially constructed sentences used in semantic analysis .
28 I think that , that there 's a o , clearly a very different history behind erm the use of women as sex objects and the use of men as sex objects , and a fundamental difference is that erm the , the background to erm using women as sexual objects in pornography or in prostitution is that is sexual violence , the wo the women can be raped or can be beaten i i in a sexual way and and that simply is not the case with men who are used as sexual objects .
29 But that 's not the case with everyone er I mean un unfortunately I wish it was .
30 This is not the case with the circular which emphasises that the move to the community must be beneficial for the people concerned .
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