Example sentences of "not [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The Concentrated Reinforcement Programme was discontinued since it was considered that the very marginal improvement that it had over the Standard programme was not worth the relatively more substantial increase in running costs .
2 The efforts of African leaders to build a new political system within their countries in the last twenty-five years have not for the most part been successful .
3 They do not for the most part take a position like that of Boas and Evans-Pritchard which rejects the very notion that there are general laws governing human history ; and if they do not , it would seem that they too are driving , however cautiously , towards an understanding of human history in general , in other words toward a theory of human evolution .
4 However , no hard-pressed city government is likely to fund accident reduction research or to experiment with possibly expensive infrastructure provision or management methods , especially as the cost saving from accident reduction does not for the most part accrue to the authority itself .
5 Innately more conservative than its urban counterpart , the rural community had not for the most part engaged in widespread and overt political protest in response to the strains that were placed upon it .
6 But our sources do not for the most part interest themselves in times of peace — the impression from Diodorus ' own narrative is that Dionysius did little but fight wars against Carthage ; but Carthaginian aggressiveness , like Persian , was exaggerated by ‘ crusading ’ Greek historiography and poetry .
7 Charcoaled fingers still gripped the wheel … and the stench of cooking flesh would have been unbearable , if not for the greedily sucking wind of the storm .
8 The rather flat results of the autumn sales of nineteenth-century paintings in New York indicated that the market remains somewhat thin , although , as usual , good pictures , attractively priced , nearly always sell , if not for the frequently high estimates given them by the auction houses .
9 Even so , as Arnold Freeman argued in Boy Life and Labour ( 1914 ) if it were not for the admittedly frail system of compulsory schooling , ‘ we should be manufacturing a race of hooligans who would make our existing civilisation an impossibility ’ .
10 It is not for the squeamish , but equally it is not for the merely despairing .
11 Prose serves for day-to-day communication , but not for the more sacred things of life .
12 Lodging-houses these , not of the ruthlessly spotless kind kept by Sairellen Thackray but terrifying places — even to Cara — where men and women slept twenty or thirty together on whatever mattresses or bundles of rags had been thrown down on the rotting floor , tramps , drunkards , lechers , syphilitics , crude young whores , wan little virgins turned out of charity-schools who would not be virgins in the morning , packed side by side in the dark and in a horrible proximity which made Cara shudder .
13 The presumption that the husband is the father of his wife 's children is one that can be overthrown only by evidence of the most cogent , even though not of the most direct , kind .
14 He thought he knew Ash fairly well , as well as anyone might know a man whose life seemed to be all in his mind , who lived a quiet and exemplary married life for forty years , whose correspondence was voluminous indeed , but guarded , courteous and not of the most lively .
15 They had all slept heavily , the sleep if not of the just , of the innocent and artless .
16 Frustration where it does exist ( for example , in the LWP ) arises where such recognition and trust are withheld : in the fact that equipment , whilst advanced , is not of the very latest , in continued Soviet resistance to independent national frontal commands , and so on .
17 And not in the most propitious or enjoyable circumstances .
18 ‘ I may be going deaf and it 's true I 'm not in the most robust of health but I 'm not daft . ’
19 Women found him charming and attractive , though not in the most conventional way .
20 Again , the , the deity , in many religions is regarded as er , enforcing morality and justice , if not in the here below , then very often in the hereafter .
21 Long before Plowden many teachers had rejected traditional approaches to learning because they seemed to deny the way children thought and reasoned , the way in which children could grasp complex ideas , the way in which children dealt with information ( not in the neatly boxed subject areas beloved by academics but in broad chunks ) .
22 It appears that Parke B. was there using the words colore officii merely to denote an official demand and not in the more limited , and in my view , correct sense referred to by Isaacs J. , 11 C.L.R. 258 , 301 , and Windeyer J. , 102 C.L.R. 108 , 140 , in the cases to which I have already referred .
23 The thesis of that view is that man originated in rain forest and not in the more open habitats associated with the African finds .
24 No , I do n't think so , not necessarily , not in the more general sense of the word therapeutic .
25 In this respect , the discourse analyst is not in the apparently secure position of the formal linguist who has ‘ rules ’ of the language which are or are not satisfied , but rather , is in the position of the hearer who has interpretations of the discourse which do , or do not , make sense .
26 The Bolsheviks came to power not in the relatively peaceful conditions in which policy had been framed , but in conditions of social collapse .
27 It wo n't interfere with the ‘ cause ’ in the least , not in the least . ’ ’
28 Certainly the deliberate naïveté here is not in the least false , but has the limpid directness of some of the Chinese poems that Pound had marvellously transfigured in Cathay ( 1915 ) .
29 Your remarks on the Masefieldian lines go to the root of the matter — I should say the bad Masefieldian lines for in some points one would not in the least be ashamed to have learned from him …
30 That is to say he is not in the least drawn to the idea that Christ came in the flesh , and he finds the simplicity and literalism of what might be termed ‘ mere Christianity ’ frankly unacceptable .
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