Example sentences of "not [prep] first [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In the standard account of the party 's growth into a modern political organisation over the period 1910–24 , McKibbin ( 1974 ) concludes that the war was not of first importance to its ultimate rise to power :
2 The select committees , in contrast , were to be investigating bodies where policy issues were not of first importance , the principal task being to find out what was happening inside the various government departments , to inform the House and the public , thus bringing public opinion to bear at an earlier stage while policy was still relatively fluid .
3 Whether they take one particular legal form or another , whether they involve particular instruments or another set , is not of first importance .
4 Because of the erm because of the erm of the total times involved , inevitably the stage two's are going to be , it 's it 's going to be in the second year that you 're going to see reasonable output from them , not in first year .
5 Not at first sight by the 19th century , which has John Keats reading medicine , Samuel Taylor Coleridge playing with chemistry , and Mary Shelley writing science fiction .
6 In the sciences it is a commonplace , not at first sight disturbing , that physics began by simulating Euclid 's demonstrations in geometry , and that the inverse square law of gravitation became the model for another in electro-magnetism , that ‘ waves ’ of sound or light are suggested by waves on water , and the genetic ‘ code ’ by language .
7 Perhaps I was not at first sight the most employable of people .
8 While these two viewpoints may not at first sight appear to be strikingly different , they do in fact embody two quite opposing ways of approaching the discipline .
9 When , in March , she realised her period was overdue , Liza did not at first worry .
10 The more successful the shops became , the more the branch managers reported back on those lines which sold well , thereby wielding a power which Laura did not at first wish to accept .
11 A man she did n't at first recognise .
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