Example sentences of "he [to-vb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Gina forced him to staple it to the living-room wall behind the settee and opposite the television .
2 Dr G 's emphasis on the creative potential of physics leads him to see it as an ‘ arts subject ’ ; Dr L , on the other hand , sees the differences between the sciences and the arts as ‘ enormous ’ .
3 James V ordered that the Crown of Scotland be remodelled in time for him to wear it at the coronation of his second Queen , Mary of Guise-Lorraine , at Holyrood Abbey in February 1540 .
4 ’ You can not teach a man anything , you can only help him to find it within himself .
5 It was an unsecured loan … now they want him to secure it against the house .
6 It was an unsecured loan … now they want him to secure it against the house .
7 The principal is required to give his clerk specified minimum training ( or to enable him to receive it from others ) .
8 True , the £1,000 belongs to the husband at law — there is no denying it ; but Equity will compel him to apply it for the wife 's benefit .
9 She had thought long and hard before deciding that it was best for him to hear it from her rather than risk it reaching him through the more sensational tabloids , but she had braced herself for an outburst of shock , anger , even disgust .
10 I wanted him to tear it from me so that I had no excuses .
11 His expression warned him to leave it at that .
12 " Busy , I told him to leave it over there . "
13 what time shall I er get him to do it for ?
14 Well I 've got a red I got a red book out of Smiths and I had , one of my clients was a printer so I got him to put it in in the gold
15 so , so then Anita goes , no I go tell him to put it in a letter then , yeah , and he was gon na put it in a letter and then he changed his mind and he said he was gon na ask me after school , but then he did n't ask me after school and Kate gave him my phone number and then he phoned me
16 He also gave Minton a copy of Pinet 's 1733 edition of Horace , with its engraved decorations , and asked him to use it as a starting point .
17 Why had it never occurred to him to use it for more than carving ?
18 The book was completed just in time for him to dedicate it to King Charles II at the Restoration .
19 ‘ I guessed you wanted him to give it to me anyway , ’ she punched back .
20 Tell him to give it to you .
21 And if he was engaged on some scheme of his own , she had better leave him to pursue it without interference .
22 Experience in Northern Ireland enabled him to recognise it for what it was .
23 I 'll get Miller to draft a statement for the media and tell him to clear it with you before release . ’
24 Again , he bowed his head to the child , and when she 'd run off , he tapped again on the wall , and when the boy from the cafe appeared , he handed him the bird and asked him to keep it in his cellar for coolness until he returned from Riba on the train that evening , after he had collected the rent .
25 A finder of a chattel has such a title as will enable him to keep it against everyone , with two exceptions :
26 To start the game give the first player the bottle or jar and ask him to hold it on his head .
27 He tried the same with Flora but she only told him to save it for his interview with Dr Mackintosh that morning .
28 ‘ I asked him to get it for me . ’
29 As he lay dying , Herbert handed a little book to one of his attendants and asked him to deliver it to his dear brother Nicholas Ferrar ,
30 the Judge , will compel him to learn it by heart .
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