Example sentences of "he [vb past] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The poor ole bleeder 's one of us. 'E got a Blighty ticket early on an' 'e ai n't bin right since .
2 But 'e made a bit o' Welsh rarebit after some coaxing. 'E 's not as incapable as 'e looks , I 've come to 't conclusion . "
3 ‘ I do n't know what you said to 'im last evenin' , but 'e 'ad a bloke call later and done a bit of a business deal with 'im that earned a fiver , would yer believe .
4 ‘ Ca n't say much about 'is looks , 'e 'ad a scarf wrapped around 'is neck an' face ; you could only see 'is hooter an' mince pies .
5 Anyway , I did n't get no trouble from the bloke , 'e plonked a couple of quid into me mitt just before 'e said cheerio . ’
6 ‘ Aah could wish 'e looked a bit stronger . ’
7 And I could see 'e thought a lot of you .
8 and through him became a founder member of the Fitzroy Street Group , a small society of artists centred on the Soho area who were aware of post-Impressionist developments in France .
9 Naturally he could n't answer them all himself , so Post Office staff lent a hand and every kid who wrote to him got a reply , postmarked Reindeerland or Santaland .
10 Everything about him betrayed a man of enormous emotional strength who had never been able to commit himself .
11 Tolkien too might think of the Norse legend of the ‘ Undying Lands ’ , the Odáinsakr : when King Hadding reached its boundary the witch who guided him killed a cock and threw it over the wall — a moment later he heard the cock crow before he himself had to turn away and go back to mortality .
12 Above him hung a cellophane bag of yellowy liquid , a tube carrying that vital plasma into his arm , somewhere below the lower extent of his field of vision .
13 Before him lay a pile of dead Tilean crossbowmen , polluting the sacred soil of Bretonnia with their inferior foreign blood .
14 Two packages addressed to him contained a book and a magazine full of indecent photos .
15 Lucy 's colour rose as memory of lying on the bed beside him sent a wave of desire through her , but she pushed the yearning away , making an effort to speak calmly .
16 Him had a dose of the screaming heebies .
17 Whoever killed him had a bucket of blood to wipe away . ’
18 But Holly and eight hundred with him had a roof over their Kitchen , and there would be a roof over Hut 2 when the freezing night came .
19 A year later a dramatic attempt to assassinate him left a smoke-trail leading back to Mr Hussein .
20 Beside him stood a man whose boots had burst asunder at the toes .
21 Beside him stood a devil in red tights with horns and a forked tail .
22 Beside him sat a man of such immense proportions that Eddie Stratton wondered how he could ever fit into the seat that had been booked for him on the flight to Heathrow , scheduled to leave in forty minutes ' time .
23 His tie was badly knotted , his shirt had a crumpled look — everything about him suggested a man hastily summoned out of bed .
24 Quickly organising the men , he threaded a leading-rein through his belt , passing the free ends to a team of men .
25 Graeme Woodhatch , 38 , was shot four times at close range as he made a phone call at the Royal Free Hospital in London 's Hampstead in May .
26 When Miss Harding decided to end the 18 month relationship Assin wrote her letters and poems and when these failed the prosecution alleged he made a phone call and threatened to kill her .
27 Later in life he made a trilogy of films about the theatre , of which The Golden Coach is one of the most ravishing .
28 Yet he made a fortune .
29 Robert Service may not have struck it rich in finding Yukon gold , but he made a fortune from his books of verse , which sold into millions of copies .
30 He made a fortune from a variety of " rackets " , aided by the corruption of the city authorities that spread from the Mayor , " Bill Bill " Thompson , down to the policemen on the beat .
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