Example sentences of "he [vb past] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Anyway , 'e spoke for about an 'our and at the end of it 'e asked for people to come forward and testify that they were saved .
2 'E died in 'ospital a few days later .
3 'E fell in t'river and was swept away , m'Lady . ’
4 Her gladness at the sight of him turned to annoyance .
5 The ‘ strange and anomalous nature ’ of the ‘ few extraordinary species ’ he had before him pickled in spirits or dried as skins confounded the imagination even of an ornithologist as instinctive as Gould .
6 This was a man of authority , a man of power , who had only to speak and everybody around him flew into action .
7 Billy Meredith and Herbert Burgess , the ‘ Mighty Atom ’ as the fans called him went to Manchester United along with Jimmy Bannister , Meredith 's partner in City 's attack .
8 Things which had bewildered him were clear as crystal , problems which had daunted and defied him gave like locks opening to the right key .
9 His successor , President Endara , says he wants him extradited to Panama for his alleged part in the 1985 beheading of the politician Hugo Spadafora .
10 The car delivered to him had in fact done a considerable mileage .
11 The man used to say to him sometimes , when he saw him sat in front of the screen :
12 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
13 It was not the only mistake he made at Swindon Town .
14 He made for London , where he resumed his former way of life , a mixture of study and worldly pleasures , but never losing sight of the main objective .
15 Ice on the north coast of Spitsbergen made it impossible to pass Amsterdam Island , and so he made for Franz Josef Land , discovered only in 1873–4 , and partly mapped .
16 The 50-minute film he made for Arena suggests why : Last Supper — Frank on Frank looks like a parody of the excesses of Sixties avant-garde film-making .
17 I especially I do n't think so after after the very er impressive speech he made on Friday .
18 It was an admission that he was growing old ; vet the brief appearance he made on stage , with his white beard , long robe and crown , was telling enough , and would never be forgotten .
19 Above : A Jaffna schoolboy shows a drawing he made of helicopters strafing his home town .
20 Well er sometimes he he made of point of always being in the house not later than We 'll say nine o'clock , unless there was something special on .
21 Nizan 's exceptionally good grasp of the Spanish political situation was doubtless the product of numerous visits that he made to Spain during 1936 .
22 He accompanied King James on the visit which he made to Scotland to impose episcopacy , and in his sermons there supported him in this venture , which was to have calamitous results for the monarchy in the next reign .
23 It is thought that the work may have been presented to the Queen by her Privy Councillor and Ambassador , Sir James Melville ( whose signature appears on the title-page ) , perhaps following a visit he made to Italy .
24 That he had on previous occasions overcome his antipathy to women is suggested by remarks he made to others .
25 The former head of stone and sculpture conservation at the Victoria and Albert Museum has been aware of the problems since a visit he made to Agra in 1985 .
26 The contrast between the two kings was ruefully noted by Louis himself in a remark he made to Walter Map :
27 My father had shot one , as had the Duke of Gloucester during a hunting safari he made to Chelalo in the Arussi mountains after Haile Selassie 's coronation ; otherwise , few Europeans had even seen a mountain nyala , soft was a prize that both Haig-Thomas and I were keen to secure .
28 Pity he did n't fulfil a promise he made to Darlington Business Venture when he came up last November .
29 Another example of the rich and regal possibilities which religion offered Cnut is provided by a visit which he made to Glastonbury on 30 November of a year which may have been 1032 , when William of Malmesbury says that he laid a cloak decorated with peacocks on the tomb of Edmund Ironside .
30 Will the Minister have a care with Torrells school in view of the mistake that he made with Stratford school ?
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