Example sentences of "he [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 His long experience of bird watching in the hills of Arran had taught him the best vantage points .
2 Er someone tells him that , a policeman tells him the best way to look at it is if you were locked out your house
3 The legendary Enzo Ferrari rates him the best driver ever , and coming from the man with Ferrari 's wealth of experience and knowledge , he must be right .
4 We 've offered him the best contract we could give him
5 By evading him earlier that morning she 'd played into his hands , at the same time both increasing his suspicions and giving him the best part of the day to allay them .
6 It contained four sheets of paper closely covered in unfamiliar handwriting , and it was a measure of how relaxed he was that it took him the best part of a minute to realise that he was holding a copy of the letter written by Ruggerio Miletti to his family three days previously .
7 And then , looking back at the pictures — sharp , full of insight , yet somehow slightly flashy — he wondered whether , indirectly , they did n't give him the best notion he yet had got of Walter Machin himself .
8 ‘ That time would make him the best dog at the track , ’ said joint racing manager Jimmy Nunn .
9 His skipper , Richard Gough , calls him the best player at the club .
10 ‘ He says he 's interested in building up a representative collection of primitive and tribal art , but when we tell him the best place to look is in his own back yard , as it were , he tells us he does n't want Abo art , ’ James said , trying unsuccessfully to pronounce the last two words of his sentence with what he imagined was an Australian accent .
11 Then he smiled , and it was as it she had told him the best news there was to tell ; and when she thought about it , she supposed that she had .
12 On the strength of this scanty victory ( 23,000 votes , i.e. 28 per cent of the total number cast ) this largely unknown candidate was now treated by the media as ‘ the front runner ’ and ‘ the man to beat ’ , allowing him to gather the momentum that finally brought him the Democratic nomination .
13 But New York had cost him the Democratic Party 's nomination .
14 He was created baronet in 1837 , but Sir Robert Peel refused him the Irish peerage promised him by Melbourne .
15 Behind him the eastern sky was already brightening , and the wasteland , which had been a formless void of darkness above the lumpy earth , was assuming an identity and a shape .
16 Past examination papers will also show him the probable lay-out of the paper that he will be expected to answer , and the amount of time likely to be allowed on each question .
17 A lifetime 's devotion to ants has made him the principal authority on the subject .
18 Indeed , it was a precocious interest in Wealden fossils that led to the assembly of a large and valuable collection that was donated in 1884 to the newly opened Natural History Museum in South Kensington , and which gained him not only the title of honorary collector for the museum but also brought him the coveted fellowship of the London Geological Society at the age of twenty-one .
19 Until early in the eighteenth century , moreover , foreign diplomats when given audience by the sultan were expected to wear a Turkish-style robe over their normal clothing in order to spare him the repellent sight of European dress .
20 ‘ My sister Mary gave him the stable name ‘ Arthur ’ .
21 Wickham gave him the withering look of a man whose junior reads too many detective stories .
22 Match referee Deryck Murray confiscated the match ball after umpires John Hampshire and Ken Palmer showed him the scarred leather .
23 Those who liked the Prince called him Slender Billy , while his detractors called him the Young Frog .
24 We are some way from the context of the debate , but if the Minister really wants evidence of how appallingly badly the service is being delivered , I shall be extremely glad to send him the 20-page Tower Watch survey of Archway Tower social security office .
26 Maybe we 'll come across a friendly native with a forked stick going in the right direction and I 'll give him the big-screen smile and hand it over .
27 He will be able to handle a wider range of options with only mnemonic guidance — for him the minimum number of key-strokes for program control is appropriate .
28 Rachel sat there in the back of the Mercedes , unable to give him the stinging retort on her lips because she knew he would do what he promised , and she had a profound fear that the minute he made love to her fully the feelings she was desperately trying to suppress would keel over and completely overwhelm her , leaving her not just vulnerable but absolutely devastated by the reality of what they were .
29 I was pleased to see his grin varnish when Mala gave him the vicious edge of her tongue for ignoring the Ardakkean request for discretion , causing the FedPol squad to visit Vadinamia .
30 Loss of manuscripts or illustrations seem to cause him the greatest concern .
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