Example sentences of "he 's [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Any'ow my Billy ai n't got much , an' what 'e 'as got 'e 's keepin' it fer 'imself . ’
2 ‘ I thought I could pay a bit each week outa yower wages and Jack 's , but now 'e 's leavin' us , – she wept even louder .
3 But the sad thing is , he 's got he 's got quite a bit of brain , ai n't he , to come out , you know , little things like , although they 're rude , he 's obviously aware , but he 's wasting it all , ai n't he ?
4 And he ca n't get the note out of his pocket and his trousers are all stuck to his bum , and he ca n't get them out and he 's digging it looks like he 's digging out his pants he 's going he pulls it out and takes the envelope off nearly and the waves are coming at him and he goes to read it and the wind blows it away .
5 Oh he 's hiding they 're here now , they 've got a trolley , I do n't think I need one oh is n't she sweet ?
6 Yeah , no , they 're in his , well they 're in his room still , he 's hiding them because
7 ‘ I 'll do it I 'll do it I 'll do it — they ca n't I wo n't let them I wo n't let … 'S hiding he 's hiding he 's hiding … only comes out for me … 'S crying , he 's crying inside … ’
8 He 's teaching me Russian and when I make a mistake with those awful adjectives he goes mad with rage .
9 He 's teaching you the verses , is n't he ? ’
10 She said he 's hoping they 're gon na give him full employment .
11 Let's say I believe that he 's said nothing to you so far about the part he 's hoping you 'll play … ’
12 Now he 's hoping he gives his new club a good return on their three hundred thousand pound investment .
13 Franca thought , he 's sent her on ahead to fix things up , to have things out , to clarify things , to establish the regime , how things are to be from now on .
14 He picks her up and he 's throwing her .
15 The idea is that he 's using them as , as a way of communicating the idea of the forest being er landscaped ; the whole environment of being polluted and it has an ecological background to it .
16 He 's certainly saying I find a pattern here because he 's using it , as his pattern to understand and I only just said at the beginning what the , makes the Jews Jewish , what gave them their national character and their , their ethnic identity .
17 and he 's using it now .
18 He 's using it .
19 You close your ears to the small voice within , the intuition whispering , ‘ He 's using you . ’
20 I told you on Saturday evening that he 's using you , just as he 's used me . ’
21 Do n't go upstairs , I do n't know why he 's called you upstairs for
22 I 've contacted Armand Horowitz and he 's meeting me in Brussels . ’
23 He 's meeting her in seven minutes !
24 ‘ He wo n't make a decision until he 's seen her , though he 's having the surgical team paged and prepped .
25 ‘ True enough he 's seen her but once , ’ Hotspur said gently , ‘ and by the same token he must have liked well what he saw , for he 's been in correspondence with her ever since he was crowned .
26 But he can only get a hundred pound back if he 's get it from the bank .
27 Subsequently , two members of this team complained about their leader to a director : " He 's slowing us down , " they moaned .
28 He 's so eager to learn he almost quivers like Shep there , he repeats everything over and over again , as if he 's learning it off by heart . ’
29 Whatever the opposition , The Cricketer is fielding well ; at any rate , he 's bowling them over out West .
30 He just got on the horse and launched off into space , landed in the lake and he 's swimming it out . ’
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