Example sentences of "he had at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He had at first intended to drive straight to Jack 's house in Chelsea .
2 The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated .
3 A working compromise was reached only after Barbarossa agreed to hold the Pope 's bridle and stirrup at a formal meeting ; an act of ritual homage which he had at first refused .
4 When Shinwell discussed the men from the industry to be appointed to the senior positions , he had at first wanted two deputy chairmen , one to look after generation and the other to oversee distribution and the Area Boards , but Citrine proposed an alternative division between operations and administration , feeling that it was ‘ essential to have someone familiar with the operation of large-scale organisations ’ .
5 Looking at her more closely , he realized she was much older than he had at first thought .
6 Alone with Damian Flint Rachel found him even more formidable than he had at first appeared .
7 Lesley-Anne Rawlings , prosecuting , said he had at first claimed he had gone into the school on August 9 to try and put the fire out .
8 He said that when the hijacker commandeered the plane over Austria , he had at first ordered the crew to fly directly to New York , but had been persuaded of the need to refuel .
9 Capt Goebel said that when Demeke commandeered the plane over Austria , he had at first ordered the crew to fly directly to New York , but had been persuaded to refuel .
10 ‘ No evidence that he had at all .
11 He had been able to join in mathematical discussion with the English he had at that time .
12 A Pharisee by training and once a vehement conservative , he had at one stage harassed the infant church but was dramatically converted by confrontation with a vision of the risen Lord .
13 By taking my hand and giving signs , he had at one time wanted me to come to his house — an invitation no doubt to show his friendship .
14 I believe he had at one time worked with Cizek and he certainly knew of Tagore 's work and writing .
15 He had at one time used the property as a guest house and a number of people , who had at one time or another resided in the guest house , had become friends of his .
16 There was Miss Sharon Hughes with whom the deceased had been very friendly and who , it is said , he had at one time wanted to marry .
17 He had at one time suspected his mother of doing precisely this .
18 Mr Hewitt , dying of cancer in hospital , said to Mrs Sen — his close friend for thirty years , with whom he had at one time cohabited — " The house is yours , Margaret .
19 He had at one stage been described as the worst farmer in Britain and RSPCA investigators found emaciated animals when they went there .
20 Unlikely though it seemed to students and friends of the scholarly and bespectacled professor , he had at this period worked for what became SOE ( a kind of work for which his precision of mind , excellent memory and linguistic ability pre-eminently qualified him : he contrived among other exploits to smuggle the leader of the Bulgarian Peasant Party out of the country into Turkey in a truck ) .
21 These days he felt happier than he had at any time in his life .
22 Bigwig was racing back across the field , looking more agitated than he had at any time since the encounter with Captain Holly .
23 A little over an hour later , Harry felt more in control of events than he had at any time since Heather 's disappearance .
24 He had always considered Sir John a portly , self-indulgent toper , but at this moment the coroner seemed more at ease , sword and dagger in his hands , fighting for his life , than he had at any time since they had met .
25 After much hesitation he had at last begun work on an autobiography which , sadly , remains unfinished .
26 He was glad he had at last found someone who believed in his natural superiority .
27 By 15 October 1796 , almost a month after the birth of his son David Hartley Coleridge , he had at last reached a decision .
28 ‘ Sheisse , ’ he added explosively as if he had at last allowed himself to be convinced of something which he had wanted to believe for a long time .
29 With Angel gone there was no need to humble herself and inquire if he had at last returned to work .
30 Instead the address which he had at last been persuaded to give was in a short and narrow street off the Edgware Road , an enclave of cheap , unsmart cafés chiefly Goan and Greek .
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