Example sentences of "he was [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 'E was phonin' the police , that 's what 'e was doin' .
2 A police officer with a sheaf of papers before him was using the desk telephone presumably still checking alibis .
3 This spotter was positioned on the canteen roof , and to house him was built a wooden structure somewhat like a pillbox with a hinged ‘ porthole ’ in the roof , to give him a clear 360 ° view .
4 To watch him was to see a master at work — each slice so thin and of unvarying thickness .
5 After the disruption of the Cabal , he was honoured by the Royal Society with a fellowship ( 1673 ) and by admission to Gray 's Inn ( 1674 ) ; to him was ascribed the chief credit for the failure to carry the impeachment of Thomas Osborne , first Earl of Danby [ q.v. ] , whose policies at the head of the new administration in 1674 , both at home and abroad , harmonized with his own .
6 ‘ … In him was united the genius of the manufacturer and the habits of a scientific investigator ’ .
7 For the time being , what was left to him was called a reversion .
8 But what really did for him was losing a lot of money at Keyser Ullmann in the property crash of 1973 .
9 Holly heard only occasional talk about the burned office because the job of the men around him was to get the food inside their guts , get the warmth into their throats .
10 Bellerophon ‘ slew the Amazons , women peers of men ’ and Heracles , the most popular of Greek heroes , found that the Ninth Labour assigned to him was to seize the girdle of the Amazon queen .
11 The house had been built on the Heath by an enterprising man who was said to have kept a tethered goat there , then to have put a wall round the goat and then to have built the house before anyone noticed he was purloining the land .
12 Supposedly he was in disgrace for an affair with a female student ( the AFPFL , and particularly the Communists , were strictly puritanical ) but he was preaching a stiffer line against the British than any of the others .
13 But Preston found he was scanning the crowd at about the right height for an eight-year-old child , and it was only after a while that he realised he was looking for Uncle Titch .
14 He was scanning the smoky room , fidgeting a little nervously .
15 His voice seemed loaded with meaning but when Marcus looked at him he was scanning the board .
16 We were appearing together at a literary lunch in Cleethorpes — he was promoting the latest edition of his diaries — and someone was playing the organ whilst we were eating .
17 By the time he had reached ‘ Who would want to soil such a figure ? ’ he was experiencing a full erection .
18 He was experiencing a mixture of emotions .
19 Looking down at the dead man Wycliffe felt guilty because he was experiencing a sense of mild elation .
20 Already , at the age of nineteen , he was experiencing the morbidity which occasionally harassed him and which he described sixteen years later in a chapter on the ‘ character ’ of Keats :
21 He was experiencing the limited pleasures and drawbacks of early manhood .
22 When Addison , one of the porters , was called up and posted to Flanders , he was digging a trench beside the road .
23 Dickon told his mother about it one evening as he was digging the cottage garden .
24 On leaving Oxford , he was secured the position of honorary attaché at the embassy in Tokyo in 1902 , but never allowed himself to become much interested in Far Eastern affairs .
25 The bus he boarded headed off on the 2 hour trip to Nagasaki , where he was to visit a Dutch theme park which commemorates early Dutch trading links with feudal Japan .
26 An admirer of Origen , Eusebius probably thought he was facing a repetition of the situation of eighty years previously when a learned theologian harassed by a bishop of Alexandria needed support from his church .
27 LEEDS UNITED 'S season was dealt a further blow last night when David Batty admitted he was facing a lengthy lay-off .
28 Cabinet ministers were exasperated that he allowed last Thursday , when he was facing a big test in the Commons , to be dominated by the resignation of a junior member of the Cabinet .
29 At the end of the hallway he turned a corner and saw that he was facing a dead end , doorless apart from a fire exit , the walls dappled with scabs of paint and sick yellow neon light .
30 The complicated narrative of the emancipation can not be reduced to the proposition that Alexander sensed he was facing a crisis and believed that attack was the best form of defence .
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