Example sentences of "he off to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sara seldom saw him off to work .
2 The rest of the day followed predictably — Len 's breakfast , seeing him off to work , cleaning the small , semi-detached house they were steadily paying for , looking after the baby , making Len 's evening meal , sitting by the fire in the evening watching the telly , before they went to bed …
3 Item that Richard Curteys of Battle … entered the liberty of this lordship and made an assult on Richard Knyght against the peace by night ; and with a strong hand , with force and arms , to wit , with swords , bows and arrows , they unjustly took him outside the aforesaid lordship and carried him off to Battle , within the liberty and town of the abbot of Battle , against the peace .
4 He was a bright child ; my father intended to send him off to school properly when the time came , and had already started him learning the alphabet .
5 As Armstrong was riding homewards along the river bank at the end of the session , a group of English horsemen set off in pursuit , captured him , and bore him off to imprisonment in Carlisle castle .
6 Mum went over to him and delivered a hard slap then ordered him off to bed .
7 Well , I just told Ruth not to be a silly girl and got him off to Nurse .
8 One of them proposed arresting him as he lay on his bed and taking him off to prison with all the bedclothes .
9 I took this bandage off and put a cold compress on , making a proper patella dressing , got the ambulance and got him off to hospital , and put in a Report about this broken gas-lid .
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