Example sentences of "he have in the " in BNC.

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1 Odd-Knut tells us that to ask a Lapp that question is like asking an Englishman how much money he has in the bank .
2 Those musical orbits described by the fertile planets of Loose Tubes and the Jazz Warriors dominated the polls , with Andy Sheppard continuing to make his individual mark as he has in the past two years .
3 One owner of former Chester Beatty material — although he has in the past denied this — now proving reluctant to return it , is David Nasser Khalili , the dealer/collector who is offering his collection on loan to the British nation ( see The Art Newspaper , No. 21 , October 1992. p.1 ) .
4 and how much he has in the bank , you know , how he stands with his credit card , so on and so forth .
5 I am following carefully what my hon. Friend says and , like my hon. Friend the Member for Normanton ( Mr. O'Brien ) , I am aware of the deep personal and constituency interest that he has in the matter .
6 Since then he has spent his time equally divided between Belfast and a home he has in the south of France .
7 The project is just one of a number he has in the resort , and he claims the attack of vandalism also just the latest of a growing number .
8 He did n't mind what Jack knew about him , within reason , that is , although he had ceased to confide in him as absolutely as he had in the days when they passed through Kingsmarkham Primary School together .
9 Outside , Gazzer looked even worse than he had in the tunnels : his face was haggard , haunted by his memories of last night , his fears for Bella , and his desperate need to make Marie believe him .
10 Two or three times Mungo glanced behind him , imagining , as he had in the train , that the gap might close , cutting off retreat .
11 Endill spent every spare moment he had in the library .
12 And in 1982 Gemayel still saw it as he had in the late 1930s , as a movement of renewal that prepared Lebanon 's young Christians for independence and civic responsibility .
13 In the box Boy kept a few books and a lot of letters ; apart from his clothes these were about the only things he had in the flat that were his own .
14 That 's just like my dad — he 's always on about what a struggle he had in the days of his youth and I get it all too easy .
15 Another interest that he had in the scheme was that his clerk occupied No. 20 South Parade , which was within the area covered by the 1855 Act , and Brunel 's office and home were at No. 18 Duke Street , adjacent to the site .
16 Perhaps that was why Father Devlin had volunteered to act as match-maker , preferring to have him married rather than have him fornicate , as he had in the past , with the tinker women passing through the district .
17 He replied that it appeared that there was a trust on the coheir too to make over to Seia the quarter which he had in the gardens .
18 But planning was what he liked , and he had contingency plans , too , for whatever news he had in the end of Katelina , good or bad .
19 To Nick 's left sat Colonel Beamish who was looking as sceptical and impatient as he had in the stewards ' room at Ascot , and Lord Chester , a wealthy landowner who had ridden as an amateur until recently .
20 Moreover , alliances bind both parties ; the kaiser properly reminded Bismarck that he had in the past ‘ always opposed tieing our hands through alliances ’ .
21 The landslide he had in the electoral college last November obscured the narrowness of a victory based on just 43% of the popular vote .
22 He was bearing the cold and damp better than he had in the previous year , but these winter months were a time when proper life had to give way to the struggle merely to exist .
23 The silence continued to fall Creggan watched Woil who looked smaller on the litter bin out in the great free world than he had in the cage .
24 In addition , he used any contacts he had in the services , or the Government , in case they could be of help .
25 She deserved no less , for she was the kindest , sweetest , dearest friend he had in the world .
26 Although he died in 1940 at the age of 35 , he had in the space of very few years produced a quite prodigious range of political and literary texts .
27 When , a long time ago now , Stephen had tried to call him Dad or Father and drop the babyish name , he had shouted that Stephen was all he had in the world and could n't he have a little bit of kindness and call him by the one name that meant something ?
28 Well , the city was n't a nice place to live because of all the silly laws the merchant had passed , and people started to leave it and go to other towns and other countries , and the merchant was spending so much time passing new laws and trying to make people obey the ones he 'd already passed that his own business started to fail , and eventually the city was almost deserted , and the merchant found that he owed people much more money than he had in the bank , and even though he sold his house and everything he owned he was still broke ; he was thrown out of his house and out of the city too , because he had become a beggar , and beggars were n't allowed in the city .
29 He searched my eyes , then did something strange : reached out , as he had in the boat , and touched my shoulder paternally .
30 Athelstan sensed that , if he had known who they were before he answered the door , he would never have let them inside , or else would have taken measures to hide whatever he had in the house .
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