Example sentences of "he would [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 At the church , me poor sister was near to swoonin' , our mum 'ad to give 'er smellin'-salts , with 'is reverend the vicar sayin' 'e 'd 'ave to cancel the ceremony .
2 'E 'd come running from the back garden and we nearly bumped into each other coming round the corner of the 'ouse .
3 If my 'Arold 'ad 'eard 'im goin' on 'e would 'ave put 'is lights out . ’
4 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
5 But that 's probably what 'e would 've acted like if it 'ad been 'im , y'know ? ’
6 Here he dismounted and prayed that whatever spirit had been working within him would continue to work , that this furious feeling of benevolence to all mind — if only a beggar would pass by and he could give him a shilling ! — would not abate , that he ‘ could truly and today start a new life , O Lord , for Thy sake and in Thy name ’ .
7 Selling him would help strengthen Souness 's financial hand .
8 And painting him would help to exorcise him .
9 The official report states : ‘ To have forced his way into Benghazi when the enemy was obviously ready for him would have achieved nothing and would have involved the loss of his force . ’
10 ‘ I only did what anyone else who loved him would have done .
11 On the phone the other day you said that if only you and Dennis had had children then something of him would have survived .
12 Speed must be thinking to himself right now … all the other players around him would have had one of these one-off payments when they joined Leeds .
13 If ‘ that bloody woman ’ had heard him utter such a curse , she would have ripped into him with a piece of her mind , then he would have whipped her with his tongue , then this sop of a man before him would have got between them , and afore you knew it , there would be a full-scale war waging — and in the heat of the moment he might foolishly betray his devious plans to boot the lot of them out of his house and out of his life .
14 But somehow she doubted it ; she was certain her interest in him would have vanished when she discovered he had no money .
15 ‘ Because the flight path he was following when we first located him would have taken him to Ankara in Turkey , or some place pretty close by .
16 The look Madeleine gave him would have withered anyone other than her brother .
17 How could she have possibly imagined how dramatically her feelings towards him would have changed in so short a time ?
18 ‘ … that he 'd continue to pay your existing contract — ’
19 Anyway , as soon as he found out what you were doing , he 'd manage to stop you . ’
20 That awful thing that so many groups get themselves involved in , when they 're on a plane and they do a gig and they do n't even know what city they 're in , he 'd manage to avoid .
21 But I wish he 'd stop nicking my bleeding torch , he 's getting a swine for that .
22 She wished he 'd stop treating her almost as if he was happy to have her around again .
23 Because I think I would have thought he 'd stop doing that now , but Pam said he still runs down the bottom of the garden .
24 Blake was not averse to entering such places , but could think of a number of things he 'd prefer to do at this time .
25 He said he 'd prefer to visit the church alone anyway and that he 'd catch a bus back to Oxford when he was good and ready .
26 He 'd prefer to see low profits today and high quality tomorrow rather than high profits today and low quality tomorrow .
27 After those two leaks of privy information on radio programmes , one French and one British , he seems to feel he 'd prefer to handle it himself .
28 I told him I would call at the house this evening but he said he 'd prefer to come here .
29 He 'd prefer to keep his illusions about her , if illusions they were .
30 He said he was scared about all the girls he 'd miss going out with , stuck with one girl .
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