Example sentences of "as a [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 As a keen watersports enthusiast I was greatly alarmed to read in your news pages about the high quantities of toxic algae currently present in many of our inland waterways .
2 Muradov said that the council should be seen as a traditional Turkmen institution .
3 Alter the war , The Miami Herald invested heavily in the system , at one point transmitting five editions daily , but the advent of television soon made the concept redundant and fax reverted , once and for all , to its previous role as a utilitarian communications medium .
4 This lead to the company 's present role as a protective coatings supplier , concentrating on high quality , high margin profits for the European market .
5 As a good honours graduate , you will provide research assistance in the purification and characterisation of proteins as targets for chemotherapeutic agents , and assess interactions between such proteins and inhibitors .
6 A Spanish operation will start as a one-branch savings outlet in Madrid , offering mortgages only when the local managers are satisfied that they understand their market .
7 It had been planned as a separate men 's and women 's race , with the latter being sent off 20 minutes earlier , but only Dorre managed to stick to the plan , winning in 2hr 29min 38sec .
8 Even Mickey Rourke , after an abysmal run of roles , makes a respectable ‘ comeback ’ as a charismatic arms dealer .
9 A set of chemical identical entities is known as a chemical skies .
10 All the participant states accepted ( although Turkmenistan did not sign ) motions tabled by Kazakhstan on ( i ) setting up a group of military observers as a collective CIS peacekeeping force for preventing and settling conflicts arising on CIS member states ' territory ; ( ii ) banning the use or threat of force between member states ; and ( iii ) collective action for the peaceful resolution of disputes and conflicts .
11 Citation is here an act of revenge against what is seen as a liberal apologetics for black crime .
12 Rhodesian-born Reynolds had operated as a financial services tied agent for Guardian Royal Exchange until February 1991 .
13 From there he went to Central TV 's news room in Nottingham as a current affairs producer then on to Granada as the editor of This Morning .
14 While there existed a small women 's civil rights organization , the Liga Femenina Salvadorena , whose members were from the impatient middle classes , it could not be described as a broad women 's suffrage movement .
15 It is therefore a good ideas to make copies from fairly early on of all language and anthropological materials , and to keep them in other places , such as a technical studies department or headquarters office .
16 During the same era of the early sixties , TV tough guy , Lewis Collins was earning a living as a junior ladies ' hairdresser at Andre Bernard 's salon in Liverpool .
17 He added : ‘ These steps included maligning your dead wife as a criminal drugs dealer . ’
18 He added : ‘ These steps included maligning your dead wife as a criminal drugs dealer .
19 The earliest excavations , however , in 1948–9 at Ivel House , supplemented by observation of local service trenches , revealed surprisingly complex occupation including buildings with opus signinum and mosaic floors , at much the same time as Stevens argued for its status as a late civitas centre .
20 Obviously , even in a statistically developed country it is an almost insurmountable task to achieve completeness in reporting spontaneous abortions , since an early miscarriage , particularly in the first weeks of pregnancy , can be easily mistaken as a late menses and some spontaneous abortions may not seem sufficient cause to some women for them to seek medical attention .
21 Beginning in the 50s , we became active in a pre-civil rights movement and were later known as a civil rights school .
22 Marshall had been appointed to the Supreme Court in 1967 after a successful career as a civil rights lawyer , legal director of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People ( NAACP ) and an Appeals Court judge .
23 The monitor is a standard 14-inch VGA , but the Elite 1000 was n't designed as a serious Windows machine .
24 She only did it as a temporary measures just
25 The singles chart needs to be treated as a separate entity , and not as a cheap promotions gimmick for greedy businessmen .
26 It 's a constant threat of danger and after debrief which takes place in the police station , erm relaxation is necessary erm , we have the availability of er stress counselling as well and a period of about two hours normally elapses before the officers is er reasonably able to er function as a normal police officer again and because of this er it has been decided that the officer 's duties for that day er will be terminated .
27 Dustin starts by playing Timothy Mouse to Voight 's Dumbo , although his voice seems to be dubbed by Mel Blanc , first as Daffy Duck ( whom he resembles somewhat with his beak and slicked-down black hair ) , then as a consumptive Bugs Bunny .
28 The movie , scheduled for release later this year , stars tough guy Sanjay Dutt as a martial arts expert out for revenge .
29 Brian Rowe has relinquished his role as Eastern Counties Field Officer so that he can concentrate on developing the Salt Cellar as a joint churches enterprise in Sudbury .
30 This procedure takes a new snapshot and does pixel counts for various subareas such as a narrow strips at the edge of the region of the reference area which is supposed to contain the reference card .
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