Example sentences of "as no [adj] than " in BNC.

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1 When the British were attacked for their role in the Boer War , Hyndman and Quelch for the British Social Democratic Federation prepared a dossier on the crimes of other imperial powers as the basis for condemning all — and so exonerating the British as no worse than the rest .
2 She thought he was a hard man because he had spoken of the sturdy beggars as no better than wolves to be strung up on trees as a warning to others ; he certainly had not helped her to escape out of pity .
3 A seasoned assessor will soon spot someone who is not taking an active and full part in the activity and it will be regarded as no better than trying to force your way on to the centre stage .
4 Earning the obedience and respect of the women in the house , who saw her as no better than they were , was yet another obstacle .
5 A competitor like Hewlett-Packard Co , which earlier this year took its own lumps for baiting-and-switching , says the machine is ‘ neither fish nor fowl , ’ describing it as ‘ too severely compromised to be a workstation ’ and dismissing it as no better than a 50MHz 80486 box .
6 Cromwell had thrown in his lot with the Levellers when it suited him two years before and so was regarded by them as no better than a mutineer himself when he turned against them .
7 Erm I think we probably envisage those as no bigger than six at the outside people in any one house , domestic scale housing is what is envisaged there .
8 Boswell puts into perspective the size of ancient sites of worship , by assessing the entire site at two acres and the ‘ whole extent of the building ’ as no larger than ‘ an ordinary Highland house ’ .
9 It is not easy to engage in discussion with someone who regards other opinions as no more than symptomatic of the way a bourgeois intellectual thinks under late capitalism .
10 At home , on both wings of her Cabinet , are ministers who regard green politics as no more than the latest fad ; the election will not be won by fighting on the beaches , in the air , and in the green belts , but once again in the pockets of the people , is their view .
11 I made it my practice , not without some official misgivings , to work through the chairmen of the regional boards as a collective body , behaving , though they were my appointees , as no more than their primus inter pares .
12 Those that were there seemed intended as no more than second or even third-string playthings for those untouched by the recession .
13 The conclusions arrived at in the brief analysis which follows have necessarily , therefore , to be seen as no more than tentative and hesitant deductions .
14 If a senior officer were to be viewed as no more than a member of an amorphous managerial team , said Mr Roach , the public would be led to believe that any complaint against a policemen was merely being investigated by ‘ one of the boys .
15 This view of acting behaviour as no more than role function has taken us a long time to understand .
16 The established head taking up a keen interest in marketing may well be seen as no more than a leopard cynically changing spots to match the climate of LMS and the introduction of pupil driven funding .
17 Leading politicians in Britain , particularly in the mid-nineteenth century Liberal Party , scorned the imperial enterprise as no more than a way of offering the unemployable aristocracy a means to enrich itself at heavy cost to the innocent .
18 Early travellers to Mozambique described the station at Beira as no more than a muddy , fever-infested street corner .
19 The curator of the Jeffery Museum scorned Mentmore as no more than ‘ a heterogeneous accumulation of prestigious loot ’ , while Lord Vaizey scathingly described the contents of Calke as ‘ skiploads of junk ’ .
20 It may be concluded from this that prey size can be used as no more than an approximation to predator type , and size spectra are certainly not predator-specific .
21 Twenty years at the pinnacle of his profession had paid him handsomely and he accepted the accolades and the financial rewards as no more than his due .
22 As long as new measures of social policy in these areas could be presented as solutions to an inner city problem they stood a greater chance of popular acceptance than if they were seen as no more than further attempts to rid the nation of the welfare state legacy of the post-war era and the dependency mentality that went along with it .
23 The present occupant may say ‘ Oh well , I let old Mrs Smith walk through my garden and down the sideway when she needs to ’ and regard it as no more than a neighbours ' agreement .
24 They bitterly resented the unfounded claims , but after a time pushed it from their minds as no more than another instance of government ruthlessness in propaganda .
25 I say this because I am anxious that having decided to reject the modernist notion that there is no Devil — and therefore no Christian dualism — we should not be tempted to fall into the opposite error of conceiving our adversary as no more than a fiend .
26 These adults never actually appear on the screen and their speech is represented as no more than an incoherent buzz of verbal static , because adults are irrelevant to the world of Charlie Brown , Lucy , Linus , Snoopy and Woodstock .
27 One view sees retirement as no more than a form of compulsory unemployment within an economy which can no longer offer full employment .
28 What we can be sure of is that Tangshan rates as no more than third in the cataclysmic league .
29 The CGT , for instance , has regarded collective bargaining as no more than a temporary measure of the balance of power between management and unions , enabling the union to obtain the best negotiating results for wage-earners at a given point in time ( Goetschy , 1983 ) .
30 But if talk of a right were insisted upon it would be seen as no more than as a flourish of personification to emphasise that the trustee had legal obligations towards the grave .
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