Example sentences of "as an [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As IBM 's chief financial officer , York succeeds stop-gap office holder and returned retiree Paul Rizzo , who continues as an advisor to Gerstner , overseeing manufacturing and development , and as vice-chairman .
2 It is Jaime Ortiz Patiño 's recent move from a house in Vandoeuveres , outside Geneva , to smaller quarters in London following in his father 's and his maternal grandfather 's footsteps he has recently accepted an appointment as an advisor to the Bolivian government that has prompted the present consignment of Old Masters , silver and French furniture .
3 To protect their joint interests , the West Berlin summit has detailed Rainer Emmenlauer one of their own development consultants to act as an advisor to their colleagues in the East .
4 So I do n't think I should be saying , if I was working as an advisor on your behalf , I do n't think you should be making big transfers at this stage , because it 's always dodgy .
5 The role of the Countryside Council for Wales as an advisor in this area should be emphasised .
6 Gamble had been the master of William Hogarth [ q.v. ] , who trained as an engraver on silver , before turning to copperplate engraving and painting .
7 The son of a working-class family , Doisneau developed an early interest in art and was apprenticed as an engraver for a time before he ‘ escaped ’ to work for the sculptor and photographer , Andre Vigneau .
8 His working life started as a protege of the acclaimed art deco designer , Clarice Cliff , with whom he trained as an engraver in his first job at the old AJ Wilkinson factory .
9 Like many other master masons , Grumbold worked as an executant of both his own and others ' designs .
10 and as an astringent for the skin
11 He soon became employed as an informer for the police , spying on people and telling the police about anyone who had broken the law .
12 On return of this document , the participant named overleaf , will automatically be registered as an entrant in the Ultimate Prize Draw , with six changes to win the first prize jackpot of £50,000 .
13 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
14 The perception of high infant mortality itself was a symptom of poverty and this fuelled a continued desire to have a large family as an insurance against the death of existing children .
15 This acts as an insurance against driving protest below the surface where it may take on more sinister forms .
16 Standard Apaches came with a vacuum pump on the right engine and an hydraulic one on the left but most people also bought a vacuum pump for the left engine as an insurance against loss of instruments .
17 Many farm workers join the union , therefore , not for ideological reasons , but for the friendly society benefits which it offers and as an insurance against ‘ problems ’ with the tied cottage , ‘ just in case ’ .
18 General hints at fertility ceremonies may be present , demonstrating another continuity in theme between this and earlier poetry ; but it is important to see that , though its death and rebirth are also related , Christianity is presented by Eliot as an escape from Frazerian cycles of fertility ( in the way that the Buddhist ‘ Shantih shantih shantih ’ hinted at such an escape ) , not as its mere continuation .
19 Music and the theatre flourished , as an escape from austerities and anxieties .
20 Tolkien was a Catholic who never entirely ceased to resent Lewis 's preference for Anglicanism ; others were High Church ; and Lewis , who always claimed to see religion as an escape from superstition rather than from atheism , held himself scrupulously above such disputes .
21 They thought that he reconciled himself too easily to his position , and that he had developed a taste for exile as an escape from business .
22 ‘ She had that affair as an escape from Eddie 's drinking , ’ Carmen cut in quickly .
23 ‘ I really am sorry , ’ he repeated and wondered why it was that these lunches , designed as an escape from responsibility , had begun to weigh on him with the weariness of marriage itself .
24 Too many urban dwellers regard ‘ a day in the country ’ as an escape from the regimentation that planned leisure sometimes implies .
25 Such as that I was trying to use the priesthood as an escape from my personal frustration , that I was dramatizing my own situation , that I was proud and vain , that my idea of Catholicism was up the creek .
26 This would remove the incentive to marry as an escape from an intolerable environment .
27 Terra fullonica ( montmorillonite : hydrated aluminium silicate and calcium carbonate ) is used as an adsorbent in toiletries , in industry and for paraquat poisoning .
28 The morning after the ark is put in Dagon 's temple , they discover the figure of their great god sprawled on the floor , his face to the ground , in what would have been readily seen as an attitude of worship .
29 Jeffrey : I like the idea of seeing the gay movement as an attitude of mind .
30 Marketing has been defined in several ways — as an exchange activity , as a management activity , and as an attitude of mind .
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