Example sentences of "as an [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 As IBM 's chief financial officer , York succeeds stop-gap office holder and returned retiree Paul Rizzo , who continues as an advisor to Gerstner , overseeing manufacturing and development , and as vice-chairman .
2 It is Jaime Ortiz Patiño 's recent move from a house in Vandoeuveres , outside Geneva , to smaller quarters in London following in his father 's and his maternal grandfather 's footsteps he has recently accepted an appointment as an advisor to the Bolivian government that has prompted the present consignment of Old Masters , silver and French furniture .
3 To protect their joint interests , the West Berlin summit has detailed Rainer Emmenlauer one of their own development consultants to act as an advisor to their colleagues in the East .
4 The engine 's lovely , lugging delivery ( it is not all bad , you see ) serves as an antidote to frenetic driving .
5 But it is the Duchess herself who most obviously embodies those qualities of courage and fidelity that act as an antidote to the surrounding evil .
6 Admittedly , the practice facilities were often poor , but the preference for relaxation as an antidote to the cannon-balls suggested that deep down the fighting spirit was lacking .
7 Usually white , usually Italian or German and always served at least eight degrees above room temperature , its only merit is as an antidote to
8 The overweight person , on the other hand , is usually not so mindful of internal sensations as a cue for eating or abstaining , and is less likely to take exercise as an antidote to excess indulgence .
9 Levi is drawn to the truths of science as an antidote to Fascist lies ; Sandro gets to the core of things by climbing mountains .
10 Killing the fatted calf is another Biblical phrase which ought to act as an antidote to killjoy Christmases .
11 Thus while the committees hoped their work would act as an antidote to the apparent tendency ‘ to reduce workpeople to the mental condition of animated machines ’ , they also sought to encourage an all-round improvement in efficiency and a training designed to develop ‘ the habit of regular industry … a healthy growth in mind and body ’ , the inculcation of thrift , and the ever popular ‘ discipline ’ .
12 This extreme ergonomics stance serves as an antidote to the equally extreme engineering approach in which systems are regarded basically as hardware which for reasons of economic or technological limitations have to depend occasionally on some human performance .
13 Mr Mubarak 's cautiousness used to be welcomed as an antidote to the histrionics of Nasser and Sadat .
14 In any case the State Department was uncertain about the nature of the Vietminh 's communist connections — ‘ possibly in indirect touch with Moscow and direct touch with Yenan ’ — and French influence was reckoned to be important not only as an antidote to Soviet influence but also to protect Vietnam and Southeast Asia from ‘ future Chinese imperialism ’ .
15 The image of Tess , vulnerable and innocent despite the shoulderpads , develops as an antidote to scheming female sophistication .
16 His initial intention was to publish something on Epicurus merely as an appendix to the Exercises .
17 A document taken by the Garda Síochána ( the Irish police force ) from a leading republican , Sean Garland , in May 1966 , and later published as an appendix to the Scarman Report , contained a good deal of evidence of plans for intensive military training , but it also outlined some of the new political initiatives being taken by the movement .
18 It began life as an appendix to a pre-war American survey textbook , and then ran into several editions in its own right .
19 The questionnaire is included as an appendix to the report ( Jowell and Witherspoon 1985 ) .
20 Nothing came of this , and its first appearance , brought up to date , was as an appendix to my book A Treatise on the Novel ( 1947 ) .
21 I could not quite remember their identities , but were those currently in statu pupillare to be assembled in a décontractée atmosphere — rather like , say , a police line-up — I felt sure that the whole matter could be discussed as an appendix to their weekly class ‘ Britain in the 1980s ’ .
22 Social Security Commissioners , ex parte Morris , reported as an appendix to Commissioner 's Decision R(A) 5/83 ) .
23 It was published as an Appendix to Hardy , which was itself the result of an inquiry by the Greater London Enterprise Board ( GLEB ) into the music industry .
24 Although the American Anthropological Association 's statement on ethics is of some relevance to sociolinguists and is easily accessible as an appendix to a book which deals specifically with ethical problems in fieldwork ( Rynkiewich and Spradley 1971 ) , linguists do not in general have recourse to a widely accepted ethical code .
25 As an appendix to the Vespers , Monteverdi added two versions of what is essentially the same Magnificat , though one is for six voices and organ only , the other for seven voices and a considerable orchestra .
26 As the name of participating Banks and their subsidiaries are included as an Appendix to the Agreement th ABI have suggested that the heading should just be ‘ ABI/Banks Agreement ’ .
27 The opinion was provided as an appendix to the Accounting Standards Board 's ‘ Foreword to Accounting Standards ’ .
28 Included as an appendix to this letter is a schedule of the anticipated contents of the Information memorandum .
29 A code of practice was agreed by a working party of representatives of the local authority associations and DoE : this is set out in full as an appendix to the DoE Circular 2/81 .
30 Erm the the point I really wanted to make erm is response to a comment from Mr Donson and and also Profe Professor Lock erm it it goes back to erm to my constraints map of the county , the one I submitted er as an appendix to my erm submissionary inspector of the H one issue , erm which rather unfortunately throughout the course of the examination has been er exploited by a number of other parties constr for their own purpose .
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