Example sentences of "as [det] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The theist will encounter doubts about the correctness of his or her belief , while the atheist will encounter similar doubts about disbelief Both theists and atheists have often seen a position such as this as too volatile to be credible .
2 The party 's ‘ new political thinking ’ , by contrast , recognised the existence of a complex and contradictory world in which there were threats to the survival of humanity as such but also great opportunities for coexistence and cooperation .
3 Since then home viewing has largely taken over from cinema going but there does not seem to have been much criticism of the format as such but perhaps more so the screen size .
4 Regan argues , at careful and considerable length , that Rawls is inconsistent here ; that his duty to animals is in reality an indirect one owed not to animals as such but only to self-interested individuals who have purposes that include animals ( 1983 : 163–74 ) .
5 To me delicatessen means herring , 1,001 varieties of herring , but I did not always regard them as such if only because I virtually lived on them .
6 It will in the longer term be recognised as such and very much in ‘ the furtherance of all Scottish interests ’ .
7 It should be borne in mind that there are always problems of definition and of classification in compiling figures such as these and also that all the figures for currencies other than the US dollar have had to be converted to dollars and hence depend upon the exchange rate used .
8 The overplus of the Greek over the Hebrew was not regarded by Origen as less than fully canonical ; the suggestion that the overplus should be read for example of life and instruction of manners , but not to establish disputed doctrine , was left to Jerome .
9 From the very start of " the expansion of Europe " the invaders tended to treat all the newly discovered peoples of Southern Africa and the Americas as less than fully human , a convenient doctrine which implied that they were legitimate objects for enslavement , exploitation and extermination .
10 From then on , I took more interest in him , looking at him as more than just my employer .
11 However , as with all fostering schemes , it was seen as more than just a means of putting roofs over heads .
12 As a songwriter and musician himself , Terry Merrick is always prepared to act as more than just an engineer , where necessary putting his skill at playing and song arranging at the disposal of clients .
13 For rabbinical Judaism , militant activity was perceived as more than just an embarrassment .
14 Moreover , because depression , inflation , or other economic distress can bring down a government , and because jobs , prices , production , the standard of living , and the economic security of everyone , all tend to rest on the performance of business , politicians and administrators alike have to regard business as more than just another interest group .
15 When viewed from this vantage point , designing can be seen as more than just a means of creating and applying technologies : it is also revealed as a means of shaping relations between people .
16 For him , the " Panopticon principle " ( p 216 ) should be regarded as more than just a particular example of ingenuity in architectural design ; rather : " … it was an event in the " history of the human mind " .
17 At 3pm , he will meet Clinton and the two will be together for the next six hours , an indication that the president regards the Prime Minister 's visit as more than just a courtesy call .
18 They should devote themselves wholly to the problem of making life in South Africa , regarded as more or less a foreign country , bearable for self-respecting British men and women .
19 This is the tone about which least needs to be said , and which is usually regarded as more or less ‘ neutral ’ .
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