Example sentences of "as [art] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I demonstrated in the previous chapter that the use of discursive metaphor causes simultaneity and association to replace causality and linear chronology as the compositional principles of the novel , allowing changes of scene in mid-sentence and the coexistence of a number of often incompatible signifieds in a given signifier .
2 They are known by letters for which we have provided suitable mnemonics : ‘ A ’ ( the Accounting Committee ) deals with Budget and Finance as well as Trade and External Relations ; ‘ B ’ ( the Blazing Committee ) deals with energy and technology as well as transport ; ‘ C ’ ( the Caring Committee ) scrutinizes consumer and social affairs ; ‘ D ’ ( the Digging Committee ) is responsible for agriculture ; ‘ F ’ , the Environmental Committee is named the ‘ Friends of the Earth ’ ; Sub-Committee E ( Law and Institutions ) is traditionally chaired by a Law Lord — formerly by Lord Oliver of Aylmerton and now by Lord Slynn of Hadley — and is known as the Legal Eagles Committee .
3 Other institutions , such as the legal institutions , borstals , prisons and mental hospitals , become concerned with resocialization when deviance has occurred , been socially noticed , and action taken against the person .
4 As the legal experts pore over the intricacies of recording unmet need , care managers are getting down to work .
5 The ‘ Act for the Abolition of Imprisonment for Debt , for the Punishment of Fraudulent Debtors and other purposes ’ , to give it its full name , was , said Wetherfield , a very short , simple and sweeping measure , ‘ a great innovation upon what we have become accustomed to as the legal relations of debtor and creditor . ’
6 As the Labour losses and Conservative holds flashed on the screen , desperate looks were exchanged .
7 As the Labour dissidents in the Cabinet recognized , they did not have the power — they were a minority in the Cabinet as well as in the Commons — to avoid such a cut ; all that they could do was to ensure that it was not a Labour government which imposed it .
8 More shocking is the goddess 's manifestation as the horrific KALI , who wears a girdle of severed human heads and arms .
9 Under new proposals expected to be brought in by the IAAF , starters are likely to lose their power as the final judges of what is a false start .
10 These hard copy keywords must be entered as the final keywords in the configuration file .
11 For Higher Rate Taxpayers , when the Bond matures or is surrendered the profit for tax purposes is calculated as the final proceeds less the original investment .
12 Here the problem lies in the generality of the terms " description " and " analysis " , as well as in the anti-climactic phrase " entertaining prose " as the final words of the piece .
13 On the other hand , he regarded Khrushchev 's initiatives in Berlin and , later , in Cuba as the final flings of a conflict that was drawing to a close .
14 As the final chords swelled to the close , the ‘ star ’ revealed all of her eleven years by running from centre stage to her mother 's arms while the audience stood on their feet and cheered .
15 Brian McRandal , another European youth championship traveller joins Ryan Glass as the final nominations for the BHS most improved junior award , but Dominic McGreevy is assured of honours on Friday when he will be jointly awarded the Crystal Trophy with Wai Sun Chan for gaining maximum Grand Prix points over the season , Dominic 's success coming in the cadet boys and Wai Sun dominating the under-21 event .
16 That in view of the many matters of vital interest to the Cooperative Movement , such as the excess profits duty , the threatened income tax on dividends , the state control of wheat , sugar , coal , etc. , which must come before Parliament in the immediate future , this Congress hereby instructs the Central Board to consider ways and means of ensuring the adequate representation of cooperative knowledge and opinion in Parliament .
17 Poststructuralists aspire to remove what they regard as the arbitrary distinctions between literature , criticism , theory , and philosophy , and Geoffrey Hartman has made it clear that he believes what he writes to be worthy of the esteem and attention normally given to ‘ creative ’ writing .
18 fan worth his or her salt will already know these songs inside out and anyone who does n't would be better advised to check out ‘ Eponymous ’ and ‘ Dead Letter Office ’ as the cohesive valedictions to the band 's years at IRS .
19 As the Fabian Women 's Group ( FWG ) pointed out , contributory insurance was bound to reflect the existing economic position of women and divide them into those living as their husbands ’ dependants and those living as economically independent individuals .
20 Thus , according to Adams , employers in the USA — unlike those in much of Europe — were not required by government to recognise unions as the legitimate representatives of the working class .
21 For instance , how widely were they accepted as the legitimate kings of France ?
22 There are , of course , many other important points that I have not touched on , such as the administrative procedures that make it possible to build a power station , the organisation of nuclear safety , and the protection of the environment .
23 Hundreds and hundredal arrangements persisted in most areas for a long time , eventually emerging as the administrative units of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries ( until 1974 ) .
24 At national level , Adamu M. Fika and Stephen B Agodo , both of whom had previously held senior posts in the Cabinet office , were named as the administrative secretaries ; a further 44 secretaries were appointed at state level .
25 He restricted his investigation to the 2,200 or so words in the LDOCE core vocabulary , and took the sense definitions as the textual units over which to collect co-occurrence data .
26 The sixteenth-century historians misinterpreted the decayed state of the town , caused by the collapse of the wool trade and the dissolution of the monasteries , as the lingering results of the sack .
27 Some of these will remain to watch over the living ; others enter the bodies of white birds , such as the sulphur-crested cockatoos or white egrets which hover over the Toraja rice-paddies .
28 As the Metropolitan Police took exception to cars with reversed stairs , these had the new Milnes ‘ Exhibition ’ staircases , which were almost half-turn in the normal spiral direction , but took a wide sweep and were almost as easy to climb as the reversed stairs .
29 Right okay can you go into the , just log the data okay last week we were looking at test for structural change and we said that the Chow test is the most commonly used test for structural change in actual fact Chow developed two tests erm , the parameter constancy , I E structural change , fir the first one is where you remember what the , the principle behind the Chow test that you split the whole sample into two sub periods , right and you see whether the , some of the res residual sum of squares from each sub sample , right , is significantly different from the residual sum of squares from a single estimation over the who whole sample period , right if they are significantly different that suggests that the parameters that are estimated over the full er sample period , right , are n't as good estimates as the unrestricted estimates when we are allowing two different sets of parameters just to be estimated .
30 As the abrasive words poured into her ears , he was moving her against an ornamental lacquerwork cabinet of hip height and bending her backwards , a hand dealing with the intricacies of her bustier with a sure skill that bore witness to a wealth of experience with even the most esoteric of feminine garments .
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