Example sentences of "go in [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But I just used to have this dream , of all these animals , and I had to go in with all these animals , it was actually full , crammed full of animals , that were all out to eat me , and , kill me ,
2 I am not going to go in to all the details , but I give you one example .
3 I take that to be a request for the difficulties and I am going to go in to those .
4 Folly tried to protest that she did n't want to go in at all , but her guide 's businesslike attitude and obvious haste made it difficult to intervene .
5 I voted for this government because they said they were n't going to go in for that sort of rubbish .
6 So I , I mean , I 've got to go in for that .
7 It was typical of Benjamin James , as it happens , to go in for such a touch of harmless sycophancy to please his friend the vicar ; he had very soon become , as we might have guessed , a respectable pillar of the Curry Rivel establishment .
8 At home he decided to go in for wholesale enclosures , encouraged his tenants to take long leases by reducing their rents , and instructed them in modern scientific methods .
9 Yes , Americans , erm I have the impression , they 're being rather slow to go in for this sort of Federal legislation .
10 In that way , we would increase national expenditure on training and the Secretary of State would not have to go in for these dictatorial measures .
11 New York drug dealers seem to go in for sophisticated marketing ploys .
12 ‘ The bright child who might possibly get nine GCSEs is going to be pushed to go in for more and more .
13 Was there ever a time when you had to go in for more drastic measures ?
14 There was a mini-rebellion about that just after the Police Strike and then they allowed policemen to go in for half an hour 's and eat breakfast .
15 There is nothing more annoying than a computer system that works beautifully , say , in a library , and then one goes in at nine thirty in the morning and you ca n't get books out because the power has gone off , and if we are sure to go on having a society with industrial disputes , we want a system that is not capable of being completely ruined by one small section of workers deciding not to work on a particular day , and so I think while we 're putting them in , while we want to put them in in a way which that is compatible , we also need to think of having a kind of fail-safe system , particularly in the sort of more serious applications such as medicine and transport and so on , whereby we ca n't be held to ransom by very a small group of people , or indeed by just some technical fault , such as a power failure or something of this kind .
16 Goes in at one of his ears and out at the other .
17 This can be reduced a little if she goes in with all she needs for the first few days : a clean dressing-gown , slippers , a change of night clothes and bedjacket and all the toilet articles and other small items she is likely to want .
18 goes in with that one cos I , I was gon na ask you about your income and I thought oh you 're not supposed to have any income
19 Edwina , the worldly mother-in-law who goes in for interior decoration .
20 Corinthian Geometric goes in for small vessels of very high technical quality , simply and elegantly decorated .
21 In the afternoon , one or both of us goes in for extra teaching , discussions , etc. in the afternoon , and then we eat dinner at 6 .
22 But if the Section Sergeant goes in for any necessary purpose , the Inspector comes in , he is reported and gets a severe reprimand from his superiors for idling his time in the Station .
23 He also goes in for creative self-plundering by way of rhetorical and dialectical self-parody .
24 To cancel unc to its lowest terms : Notice we neatly cross out the 18 and 27 and put above them the number of times 9 goes in to each .
25 ‘ And I goes in to this guy , and he goes like that , ‘ Hello , sit down . ’
26 And she said wait here Mr and in she goes in to this bloody meeting and out he came .
27 Rozario on the near post Chettle also has come forward for this kick and it goes in towards that near post area where Oldfield takes no chances .
28 And anything that goes in between those disturbs the beam and it causes an electric current to sound the alarm and it 's the same thing that happens with the er detectors .
29 For the purpose of comparison the three different types of representation for the utterance The order goes in by late November are shown below :
30 The three different stressed representations for the utterance The order goes in by late November are shown below :
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