Example sentences of "go and [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 I used to go to Orkney for to go and asked for some cardboard boxes only we call them pasteboard boxes .
2 Yes , so she just and she 'd like to go and teach for a living , .
3 Most of the men there had families or commitments in England , and while they would support the Irish cause in word and sometimes in deed , no-one ever seriously considered leaving everything to go and fight for the cause .
4 ‘ My father was an industrial chemist and he said if you want to go and work for them , go and work for them . ’
5 So it seemed a fairly straightforward move to go and work for the family firm .
6 One of a family of six and me elder brother was me bro me dad had a little business in the keys in and er they were hard times and me elder brother we used to go and work for him because me dad said he must and er from , after school I used to go and perhaps do the errands or a bit of filing , the odd jobs and all that sort of thing and I grew up with locks and keys and files from twelve , even before I left school .
7 He says an which he says you 've worked so hard , cos I worked for two casters which I should n't have done really , but that 's how I were used to working you see and er , he said er , I said well me dad keeps asking me to go and work for him , and he said well I 'll tell you what I 'll do with you , he says you 've worked so hard for us , this bloke came from Bloxford you know He says you 've worked so hard for us , he said we 'll agree to you going with your father , er for a month and see whether you like it , and if you do n't like it , come back and we 'll give you your job back .
8 Going by past experience , there was a high probability that something had happened to the others , and her first instinct was to go and search for them .
9 Tales like this inspired him to go and explore for himself ; and apart from them he had another reason .
10 Perhaps the shopkeeper should have a panic button under the counter to press during such a confrontation , and while humouring the shopper by pretending to go and look for some grey ones , stout men could rush in and restrain the customer before he can make it to his Access card .
11 After two more appearances , during which you are inconveniently looking the wrong way , you decide to go and look for the ghost .
12 You want to go and look for him ? "
13 And you 'd got to go and look for work .
14 Would you like to go and look for the ring dear ?
15 Is there a tendency for you as a journalist , though , to go and look for information in other sources if you possibly can , to do
16 But would it not have been sensible to go and see for himself , before rushing off a wholly inaccurate letter ?
17 ‘ There 's only one way to find out , ’ said David smoothly , ‘ and that 's to go and see for yourself .
18 ‘ I 'm sure when you bother to go and see for yourself you 'll find Chester 's a very attractive investment proposition ! ’
19 Yeah , but a cracking place to go and play for
20 But her sister refused , so the younger one had to go and ask for herself .
21 I knew I would never have the courage to go and ask for my job back after the baby was born , even if circumstances allowed it ; it would soon be filled again , and it 's always horrible to go back to a place where you 've been happy in your own little niche and find somebody else in it .
22 So if a girl does not feel able to go and ask for the Pill , or if she is reluctant to use it because she sees it as a health risk , the alternative may be to use nothing .
23 So he told me to go and ask for a job there .
24 You 've got to go and ask for them to take you on the erm
25 Our Dawn told me he 's had to go and wait for that bloody pregnancy scan .
26 The man goes and works for him .
27 Austrian parents do not have to suffer the embarrassment of going and asking for charity just to send their children to school looking like everyone else .
28 Many of those who went and fought for the Republicans were not always clear about why they were there , except that they felt a revulsion against fascism and a general feeling that they had to do something in the face of the frustrations of the 1930s .
29 I could , I used to run it down and er , and that 's the only reason me mother would let me , but they was pleased as punch when I stopped and went and worked for me dad again .
30 Shall I go and pay for them .
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